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RF Limited News . . .

Got mine today. I wish I hadn't ordered the thing. To me, this radio is just a novelty item. Unit overloads easily on fairly strong SSB signals. RF gain adjustment helps clear it up, but then you lose the weaker stations. transmit frequency is 3 Hz off. Be nice if had open clarifier. Audio reports state SSB audio is warbly. Warbly audio confirmed on battery pack and external power sources. AM performance is unlike any other quality CB handheld. Didn't feel like checking FM since the units performance so far is depressing.

Others may like, but I sure don't. I packed it all up and tossed it on the trade pile.
Just talked to Sam Lewis @ RF Limited. I told him of the problem you have and he wants you to call him at his toll-free number so that you can send it off to a repair station to make this radio right. This goes for anyone that has bought a radio and it is still under warranty.

One a side note to all, they are going to produce some more of the 257 and OmegaForce radios, as present stock have been all sold. They will be having the first production run of the new 10 and 12 meter versions of the 257 and OmegaForce - but these won't be available until the beginning of Spring.

Sam will be shipping me the new 1012 HT within the week. I will take some time to run it thru some paces and then write the review.
Excellent news, Robb! I'm jonesin' real b-a-a-a-a-a-d for an OmegaForce S45HP! A version that covers 12M would be interesting!
Our local club is gearing up serious for 10M and quite a few of the guys are interested in that rig.
Fair point BootyMon. If/when Sam ever sends the radio, I'll be sure to pay strict attention to it.

Funny that none of the sites selling this HT mentions the 50w docking cradle that goes with I

A docking cradle would require the use of an external antenna. With the fragile receiver overload that this unit exhibits, I doubt this option will appear. I have been in the hobby since 1968. This HT is the biggest disappointment I have experienced in a long time. As it is, I feel this unit should sell for no more than $125.00. I do expect to see poor reviews. Sam seems to have always provided radios for reviews in the past. I wonder why the delay now. I hate being negative as I love my 257HP and my Omegaforce, but the Magnum 1012 just don’t live up to the hype, sorry!
Well so much for the idea and clicking the heals to get one of these as some of my concerns have already been proven to be. I had a few guys that also were going to order one with me and I finally realize that there cannot be a good keeper SSB handheld due to the lack of room and tight packing of components.

I look back at the Eagle spitfire and the Cherokee AH-100 and they to are a novelty and I guess I will wait and buy a used one to add to my collection as a conversation piece. The writing is clearly written on the wall here that there really is no possibility of an actual good and worth buying SSB handheld.

Im am going to just clear this out of my head and remove it off my (I JUST HAVE TO GET ONE) list. I guess the best way to get one is to pay someone the extra cash to tune it and set it up warrantied. I myself as I said may wait to find a used one that someone is fed up with and buy it or trade for it. That really is to bad but again I am really not shocked.
I suppose if you live in an area that has more than a few 10m FM repeaters, then it is a fair thing to have. Not really that much different than a 2m HT and a repeater. There are a few 10m repeaters where I am.

Sam is waiting for you to send that HT in for warranty repair; no reason to take a loss when you can get it fixed for free.

The docking cradle won't be here in time for the review I will write soon. Have to see what happens with that piece.
I still have my old Spitfire HT from about ten years ago and it always works well. This new rig has a slightly different display and a few altered buttons but looks very much the same.
Frequency coverage is better on the new rig but the stability issues bother me, I guess I'll wait till it is ironed out a bit.... :bored:

I too have a Spitfire 454, also about 10 years old, or so. Mine is not expanded. During the last (solar) cycle I hooked it up to my 10M mobile antenna, and worked a VK2 from the mobile! He gave me a 56 and I gave him a 59. All with 7W PEP! I was impressed. An amusing little radio, I use mine with the MFJ 1810T antenna.

I still have my old Spitfire HT from about ten years ago and it always works well. This new rig has a slightly different display and a few altered buttons but looks very much the same.
Frequency coverage is better on the new rig but the stability issues bother me, I guess I'll wait till it is ironed out a bit.... :bored:

My understanding is that the intial batch as shipped to North America is all sold out. As well there was an initial discepancy in the pricing. The factory is busy building new product (at an increase in the wholesale price), and are being shipped as we speak.

I further understand that a Canadian importer has captured the Canadian market and is importing to Canada under a different brand name. (So, in Canada, we will see two different brands - Magnum and an other which I'm not yet at liberty to disclose.

My understanding is that the intial batch as shipped to North America is all sold out. As well there was an initial discepancy in the pricing. The factory is busy building new product (at an increase in the wholesale price), and are being shipped as we speak.

I further understand that a Canadian importer has captured the Canadian market and is importing to Canada under a different brand name. (So, in Canada, we will see two different brands - Magnum and an other which I'm not yet at liberty to disclose.

Ed, name is Rock Mallin of ProCom Communications in Ottawa Canada. We have secured the distribution of the original company called AnyTone, the manufacturer of the original AT-5555 for Canadian market and North America distribution for the AnyTone Brand. We also carry the same brand in 2 meter radios and 70 cm radios both mobile and hand held among other product they make. We have them all in stock and getting ready to hit the market with these most impressive line and high quality made radios. No need to rebrand the radios under other names, we just decided to work closely with the company who has made us the Official Distributor of these exceptional radios using the real original brand.

We have just setup a temporary website and will post further news soon.
Anyone can contact us at: mallincam@gmail.com for further info.

Rock M.
Ottawa Canada
ProCom Communications
Yep Rock, we met yesteday.

The AT-5555 is not an RF Limited product, and of course has been discused in Anytone AT5555, and Is this the new Stryker SSB?. The U.S. model is described in Alpha radio.

Not to derail and hijack the thread, as we were talking about the Magnum 1012. When and if you feel the time is right, you might want to tell us about any Canadian distribution of this 10 and 12 meter portable, (under a different brand).

Ed, name is Rock Mallin of ProCom Communications in Ottawa Canada. We have secured the distribution of the original company called AnyTone, the manufacturer of the original AT-5555 for Canadian market and North America distribution for the AnyTone Brand. We also carry the same brand in 2 meter radios and 70 cm radios both mobile and hand held among other product they make. We have them all in stock and getting ready to hit the market with these most impressive line and high quality made radios. No need to rebrand the radios under other names, we just decided to work closely with the company who has made us the Official Distributor of these exceptional radios using the real original brand.

We have just setup a temporary website and will post further news soon.
Anyone can contact us at: mallincam@gmail.com for further info.

Rock M.
Ottawa Canada
ProCom Communications
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Got mine today. I wish I hadn't ordered the thing. To me, this radio is just a novelty item. Unit overloads easily on fairly strong SSB signals. RF gain adjustment helps clear it up, but then you lose the weaker stations. transmit frequency is 3 Hz off. Be nice if had open clarifier. Audio reports state SSB audio is warbly. Warbly audio confirmed on battery pack and external power sources. AM performance is unlike any other quality CB handheld. Didn't feel like checking FM since the units performance so far is depressing.

Others may like, but I sure don't. I packed it all up and tossed it on the trade pile.

Since they are all sold out I'm sure you could actually make money on E-Bay with it.

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