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Signalink on CB?

I have been a CB'er since 1968 (50 years) and a Ham for five years. The hams will chime in on CB projects that could keep you out of the court system. There really is not a CB versus Ham culture perpetuated on this board. I like helping out anybody I can, I don't know everything but I do know how to research for the answers. Successful a lot.

The first quote should have told you what to do next.

Your quote show that you harbor resentment against people you don't know and are acting with a bias against a class of people you have never met.

Unfortunately this thread has turned away from my original question and has turned into a part 95 chime in session. I didn't ask of the legalities or permission...I asked if anyone has ever done it? It would be more useful for you to simply say "no I havent" and move on then to keep going on and on about legalities and getting licensed.
I was wondering if anyone has ever used a signalink on CB? Is it possible? I would assume it would be a modified cable to the mic plug on the radio. Ultimately what i am interested in doing is remote listening my station via the internet. I doubt anyone is really throwing digital signals out there but Signalink says you can use voice as well.
Sorry did not mean to ruffle your feathers, but from your posting it does show intent to transmit. Back to the ham radio systems, with a proper setup you can transmit, change control panel setting, frequencies etc.
If you are remote on your system and you are over modulating you would have to go to your system to turn your microphone gain down, so what are you gaining by the remote?
I was wondering if anyone has ever used a signalink on CB? Is it possible? ...edit.

Unfortunately this thread has turned away from my original question...I asked if anyone has ever done it? ...edit....

Actually, your question was answered in post #2.

There is nothing difficult or overly technical involved in this.

Oh, BTW, there are digital signals on both 11 meters and the freeband frequencies.

27.700 MHz is a good place to listen.

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