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Which CB Shops are still accepting mail-in repairs?

250 techs back in 2008.
It was 50 then 60 and now its 250.

I asked you once before if you could establish any proof of your 130 Galaxy 99s.
You ignored that.
Then about the 50 or 60 techs. Number varied sometimes even in the same thread.
You ignored that too.

Let's be generous on the price of $175 per radio since you were buying bulk and come to the 22k conclusion.

And the now 250 technicians that probably charged you an average of at least 75 dollars for another ~18K

I see a few possibilities...
1. Your not being truthful.
2. You have no expenses.. and you live off others.
3. Your into something illicit.
4. You won the lottery.
5. You are rich guy posing as a lowly truck driver. See #4

People are going to read this stuff. They are going to think you are crazy.
They are going to see your infatuation with Sherman and shy away from him because he will do nothing to denounce your harassment, bullying, and intimidation of others.
And they should avoid him because he is guilty by association.
He can't control his customers but you are an extreme case and you are acting in his name. Yet he does nothing?

So that makes me wonder about Mark Sherman..
Is he a little off?
Perhaps he enjoys this.
Or, does he feel threatened by you?
Because .. you seem to not be the most stable guy out there.

The picture painted by you of him and yourself is very unflattering.

It also begs the question as to why the moderators of this site have not put a stop to you a long time ago.
I forgot to mention a workman's comp settlement in 2002 but I didn't think it was relevant. I never mentioned anything about 50 or 60 technicians.
I got my CDL in 2004 specifically for the purpose of going to every radio shop in the country until I figured out who the best technician was. Prior to that I was a union carpenter.
Bill Good in Ontario California got me interested in radio. If you don't know who he was you haven't been around very long.
My issue with this is that it's guys like this.. rabbi Scot here and Sherman that give our hobby a bad name.

How can anyone take the CB community seriously when it's full of bile like these two.
They harass and intimidate anyone that does not agree with them.
Level false accusations.
Try to discredit anyone that is doing the right thing because it interferes with their right to exploit other members of the community.

They are a pestilence that sulks in the shadows and we need to expose it.
RPC, many of your posts on this board contain fallacies of logic.
I have a hard time taking you seriously because of this.
The Non Sequitur: The deluded fallacy of offering evidence, reasons or conclusions that have no logical connection to the argument at hand (E.g. “I spent a lot of money to find the best radio tech" with no 3rd party to verify a thing) see also "Red Herring".

  1. Occasionally involves the breathtaking arrogance of claiming to have special knowledge of why God, fate, karma or the Universe is doing certain things. (E.g., "His calculations for speed of light differ from what is commonly accepted, nobody else has this result") See also, "Magical Thinking".
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I forgot to mention a workman's comp settlement in 2002 but I didn't think it was relevant. I never mentioned anything about 50 or 60 technicians.

You did. On other forums.
Let's not worry about the 50 or 60 since now it's jumped to 250.
It grows and grows. It's like Audrey II. I wonder what it eats.

I got my CDL in 2004 specifically for the purpose of going to every radio shop in the country until I figured out who the best technician was. Prior to that I was a union carpenter.

Pretty strange reason to get a commercial drivers license.
You certainly didn't need to do that just to visit some CB shops.
I think I would be hard pressed to find 250 of them.

Then there is still the matter of 130 Galaxy 99s.
So you get hurt on a job and rather than spending that money on your actual bills you spend it on 130 CB radios and school to get a commercial drivers license to visit 250 CB shops?

Now I could sit here and try to compile a list of 250 shops but I would probably start hitting the dregs at 100.

Do you really believe this stuff you post?
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I still maintain that I drove in person "approximately" 130 Galaxy 99s off to various shops and kept the one that allegedly was done by Sherman.
I didn't read to verify what you were saying since I'm using voice to text it may incorrectly type something but the above statement is true.
I don't particularly care if anyone believes what I did. I can make good audio sound bad but it's impossible to make bad audio sound good. There's a scientific formula to keep my recorder from distorting ported audio and I stick with that formula every time I make a recording and I simply document reality. You can't fake good audio. that's precisely why I encourage any technician that wants business to demonstrate what they are capable of providing their customers. Most of them rely on your Blind Faith in their textbook knowledge without having to show any real world audio. I'm not sure why you feel a compulsive need to distract attention from the obvious that no technician is willing to show you their audio over the airwaves at close range and focus people's attention on something I did back in 2004 and 2005 which has no relevance in 2018.
You can't fake good audio.
Wow! This statement shows exactly how much you don't know.
Download SDR# on your PC and we can upload and swap *.IQ files (recorded with RTL-SDR dongle or other SDR) to see the audio waterfall and frequency domain, then you at least have SOMETHING of a little tiny bit of weight to "compare-and-share" with, as audio recordings alone mean NOTHING to the scientific statements you've made, your opinion is not a measurement.

May I suggest that you stop advertising through manipulative means, and share something of value (to help other radio operators learn). You want to help yourself, you do not seek absolute "fact", but revenue instead. {IMO that is the incorrect path}

Maybe it is you who lacks understanding, Rabbi.
Perhaps you are so certain, that you don't care to examine that which has been pointed out to you.

I would consider putting you on my ignore list, but you are a nuisance to the community and a thorn in the side of truth, you must be patrolled & exposed to prevent the sowing of discord (and spread of disinformation) in this community.
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I still maintain that I drove in person "approximately" 130 Galaxy 99s off to various shops and kept the one that allegedly was done by Sherman.

I guess we can all see why the IRS audited you.

There's a scientific formula to keep my recorder from distorting ported audio and I stick with that formula every time I make a recording and I simply document reality.
Is that an alternate speed of light formula that's "not really out there"?

You can't fake good audio. that's precisely why I encourage any technician that wants business to demonstrate what they are capable of providing their customers.
I see them do it all the time. Look at YouTube.
Oh wait. They are doing it wrong.
For some, it's perfectly okay. But for you and your deity Sherman it's not.

I'm not sure why you feel a compulsive need to distract attention from the obvious that no technician is willing to show you their audio over the airwaves at close range and focus people's attention on something I did back in 2004 and 2005 which has no relevance in 2018.

Um. I send a radio into a tech. He does his thing. I get it back.
I use the radio. His "work" is effectively transmitted over the air.

And with this "close range" BS. Enough already.
Who the hell talks to someone parked next to them and has a conversation on the radio? That's a load of nonsense I expect from my children sticking their faces in these damn phones they can't get enough of.
Is that really a test? Do you need to have a conversation with someone that you can literally reach out and touch over the radio?

Let me guess.. Sherman is the only guy that can make it work close range?

Wow. Just wow.
Let's blast every tech because they don't "tune" the radio to work while they are in vehicles parked next to each other.

Lord have mercy I can't make this stuff up.
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Wow! This statement shows exactly how much you don't know.
Download SDR# on your PC and we can upload and swap *.IQ files (recorded with RTL-SDR dongle or other SDR) to see the audio waterfall and frequency domain, then you at least have SOMETHING of a little tiny bit of weight to "compare-and-share" with, as audio recordings alone mean NOTHING to the scientific statements you've made, your opinion is not a measurement.

I could not care less about your opinion of what sounds good, stop advertising through manipulative means, may I suggest you share something of value (to better others).

I would consider putting you on my ignore list, but you are a nuisance to the community and a thorn in the side of truth, you must be patrolled & exposed to prevent the sowing of discord (and spread of disinformation) in this community.
I'm not very high tech. Maybe you can teach me something. Perhaps you could download This MP3 and run it through your sound editing software and make that guy's audio sound good. Just for the record it's the same driver I recorded at close range after he went to three different technicians.
If you were to ask him if I gave him any false information or bad advice I think he would feel differently.
I would consider putting you on my ignore list, but you are a nuisance to the community and a thorn in the side of truth, you must be patrolled & exposed to prevent the sowing of discord (and spread of disinformation) in this community.

This is why I would like the mods to comment on why they allow this farce to continue.
Certainly his trolling, intimidation, and harassment of others is of no value.
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I'm not very high tech. Maybe you can teach me something. Perhaps you could download This MP3 and run it through your sound editing software and make that guy's audio sound good.
Yes, I could process that and make it sound like you talked with former pres. Barack Obama (and I can re-dub your video, it would look the same), it takes computer processing time/software/hardware/knowledge, very do-able though.

Just for the record it's the same driver I recorded at close range after he went to three different technicians.
Three techs have had hands in the same radio, so Is this one of three recordings you have on this radio? Did you have a 3rd party?

I can make a thousand of these videos with my buddy, and I can edit each video to show only other people's radios sounding distorted and crappy, one can do this simply by selective editing and no processing.

That's my point, these clips don't hold a lot of weight.
They do however paint a nasty impression of your intentions
, obviously I can't read your thoughts.. Your internet-wide, forum posting behavior has helped me to form an opinion of your intentions here.

If you were to ask him if I gave him any false information or bad advice I think he would feel differently.
Measurement Trumps Feeling.
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The recording was made on my 6666 in my vehicle. Halfway through I jumped out of my truck and he jumped out of his truck and I jumped in his truck and he jumped in my truck so you could hear my voice through his radio and demonstrated the audio you guys don't like to hear is directly related to my voice which you don't like but when the guy with the perfect radio voice jumps on the radio all of a sudden you like that radio. Both of our radios sound identical although you're only hearing the talk back of my radio.
His Echo was turned up a little too high for my liking but it doesn't really take away from the Fidelity of His Radio.

Both radios sound identical being recorded through one radios talk back. Ok got it. Let us know when Sherman starts repairing radios again.
Sounds like you're making numbers up.
130 Galaxy 99 radios in 2004 does not translate to 250 so I'm not sure how you're coming up with your math.
However after the initial testing was done in 2005 that's still gave me 10 years to pay a visit to another hundred and twenty shops.
However, I'll leave it at this, if you really want to know how good someone's work is then it might be prudent to purchase two identical radios and take them to two different technicians and compare those two radios side by side. When an incoming signal from a fixed location is detected by one radio and the other is unable to detect the signal, it becomes impossible to blame the manufacturer. A little bit of logic and Common Sense can go a long ways towards understanding how things work.

Ten years to visit 120 shops? The good ones could go bad and the bad ones could get good in that amount of time. You will need to do it again but this time a lot faster. What you should do when you test two radios and one is better, the worse one should then go to the better shop and see if he can make it identical. Two identical things being mass produced does not mean that they will preform in an identical way due to manufacturing variances, tolerance stacking, and quality control. If all this was worth doing then the scientific method should have been used along with a whole other set of radios used as a control. Otherwise there are too many variables that won't be accounted for and your results will be misleading at best.
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