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Which CB Shops are still accepting mail-in repairs?

amen bro. the only ones i dont charge a hourly rate charge is close friends and family i have 15 radios to fix by the end of the months.i have turned people away until i get caught up. im a one man show
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All this talk about wait times, high prices, or wondering if some guy is keeping your radio if and when he goes out of business etc, those are truly worrisome aggravations. Unfortunately, that’s the price you pay for not at least trying to learn basic repair. Like so many things worth doing, early endeavors often fail. That’s a huge part of the learning process, but when you do succeed, the pride of self reliance soon nullifies all the negatives. Remember, the next time you fix something yourself, precede it with a few strong fist pumps while hollering out, YES! It will make you feel a lot better...Put the antacids away.
I know a tech that if he cant fix your radio or doesn't fell like working on it he will keep it!!!! poor business practice....
All this talk about wait times, high prices, or wondering if some guy is keeping your radio if and when he goes out of business etc, those are truly worrisome aggravations. Unfortunately, that’s the price you pay for not at least trying to learn basic repair. Like so many things worth doing, early endeavors often fail. That’s a huge part of the learning process, but when you do succeed, the pride of self reliance soon nullifies all the negatives. Remember, the next time you fix something yourself, precede it with a few strong fist pumps while hollering out, YES! It will make you feel a lot better...Put the antacids away.
Thats why im learning repairs on my own. Im tired of these guys that either wont fix my stuff, or sit on it for months on end, making up excuses and false hopes, or they say "oh i dont want to work on it, bla bla bla," The guy i normally go to has a list of stuff he wont fix and its like he only wants easy shit or peak and tune get it out the door 20 min or less.... he can be very aggravating. .
Living in western pa. And only 65 miles away from bob's cb shop its a pleasure to have him in my back yard was up their Sunday to get my connex 3300 hp worked on, went over the radio and $49 later and in less than a hour I'm out the door..high power swings 69 and low power swings 46...radio sounds great,,if you ever met the man he might come off being a little hard to get along with or cold with conversation but going there for 15 years be has a lot of radio's to fix its amazing.. he doesn't accept mail in anymore he does so much warranty work that he only takes walk in work,, I definitely appreciate having one of the best in my back yard .....
5:26 PM - Robert Foster:
That makes me feel better if your talking about Mike becuase he has three of my radeo this is the first time I have heard about this. I know it's been a year but that what I thought it would take. When he answers my messages he states he gonna try to get my stuff on bench this week!! Where do I go to see article about any arr and what is dbt radeo
5:26 PM - Robert Foster:
That makes me feel better if your talking about Mike becuase he has three of my radeo this is the first time I have heard about this. I know it's been a year but that what I thought it would take. When he answers my messages he states he gonna try to get my stuff on bench this week!! Where do I go to see article about any arr and what is dbt radeo
My Luck cant possibly get any worse please say it ain't so?!!!@@":<_/#'tubfffffffgd
Not seeing what you're trying to get repaired. I'm looking @ getting one of my Grants repaired. Found Snake Radio Customs online. He has said that he will rebuild & fully align a 148/ Grant for $150. He did say that it would take 3-4 months.
I have always been told that there are 3 types of work, Good, Fast, Cheap; pick any two.

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