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Who's bright idea was it to bring EBOLA into the US?

That has nothing to do with any of this.

agreed,.................... but, ................ there ARE political ads now running that DO blame the Republicans.
this ad features clips of Mitch McConnell, Pat Roberts, and many other Republicans and states that austerity cuts to the CDC and NIH are responsible for the 2014 Ebola outbreak.

This ad will run in Kentucky and other states leading up to the election.


edit add on......... I just watched the House sub committee hearings on the Ebola Crisis on C-SPAN and Rep. Henry Waxman , the DEMOCRAT Representative from California's 33rd District, just blamed the Republicans for the Ebola problem in Africa.
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The problem presented by Ebola in this country will continue to increase unless drastic measures are taken. Gov't isn't the answer at least under the current gutless leadership. Our health care& disease control system is run-a-muck because there is no leader. By design we have been with out a US Surgeon General since the current Administration came to power, so it is like a ship without a rudder lost at sea. Compounded by the "No Drama I'm to kool for you" PC attitude and the failure to lock down our Borders is going to come back and bite us in the keister like a rabid Bulldog with aids.
Actions that can be taken to safeguard the population would not be popular but would include the shut down of international travel completely, the military placed in control of the border to totally shut down access, Apoint the Surgen General of the Navy to the post of SGof USA as an interim until a suitable candidate can be confirmed, deploy USA Boi warfare team to major cities to train Medical Professionals and Emergency Responders in Personal Bio protection Procedures and Decon and placed under the units supervision. Until the danger is past.
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You suggest the shut down of international air traffic completely. The USA cannot shut down world air traffic and if you just mean international traffic terminating inside USA borders tjen be prepared to go without a lot of everyday goods and services. Suspend shipping traffic too and watch the country fall into the worst shape it has been since WW2 or before.Unless you are prepared to go solo until the last Ebola victim in Africa is dead or cured it won't work.
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I have an idea, send all the politicians over for an in depth exposure. Wait until it is confirmed that they have been truly exposed and wait. They will have a plan real quick on how to stop the disease. :)
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And by the time customs looks at their passport they have already traveled on an airplane with other people and stood in line at the baggage carousel and in customs infecting how many more people unknowingly?

and that is why they must have an approved VISA PRIOR to being allowed on any flight that is destined here . this country can require this to be followed 100%. any aircraft not complying will not be allowed to land.

if you can't PROVE where you have been for the last 21 days or you have any symptoms, then you don't get the entrance visa.............. PERIOD

a passport and an entrance VISA are not the same document.
and that is why they must have an approved VISA PRIOR to being allowed on any flight that is destined here . this country can require this to be followed 100%. any aircraft not complying will not be allowed to land.

if you can't PROVE where you have been for the last 21 days or you have any symptoms, then you don't get the entrance visa.............. PERIOD

a passport and an entrance VISA are not the same document.

I am well aware of the difference having had to obtain both in the past. Throw onto the mix all cross border land crossings and commerce will grind to a halt. Being ABLE to do something and being WILLING to accept the consequences are quite different. The government may be willing to shut down commerce but is the public willing to be subjected to rationing of everything from sugar to gasoline? We are not talking a simple 21 day shutdown. We are talking months or maybe a year or two until things smooth over. By then civil unrest will make the chances of contracting Ebola look pretty good.
Just thought of something else. What are the legalities of requiring a US citizen to have an entrance visa to return home? Never heard of such a thing in my life actually. What about those cases?
Dems blame repubs, repubs blame dems, the cdc blames the nurses, and al gore probably blames global warming. what a bunch of B.S. Same ol partisan politics that are killing this country. They need to quit pointing fingers and figure out something!!

I agree with CK, you can't just restrict all international air travel. But they could restrict all commercial passenger air travel to and from these infected countries. Still allow supplies, medicine, medical workers, and the like in. Have a protocol to follow for people in and out.
This would at least reduce the risk of an infected person getting on a plane and flying wherever in the world, and possibly infecting other people. Jmo
But it might.
That's your opinion.
Take it or leave it.

Yup it is my opinion so I will take it. I have another one too that you can take or leave also. The point is that such a comment has no basis whatsoever in relation to the line of discussion and any politician blaming any other politician for the problem is in fact part of the problem and not part of the solution. It's time to work together and stop the political BS.
Fine by me
The left has in the recent past done things to the detriment of the American people and blamed the right just for a political advantage.

As well as the fact that the right has in the past done things to the detriment of the American people and blamed the left just for a political advantage. It's a two way street. Live with it and watch out for oncoming traffic.

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