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New President Washington Mobile Radio?

they were having a sewing circle about how giving 11 meter to cb was the worst thing fcc ever did.
LOL! The thing I don't get is there's so much empty space on 10 meters that hams aren't using....... So many times things will be absolutely hopping on 11 meters and you go up to 10 and it's nothing but crickets and maybe a lonely beacon or two.
The whole "Hams Should Get 11 Meters Back" argument would hold a lot more water if hams were actually using ALL of 10 meters and needed more space. But no, 10 is under-utilized and hams don't use even a tiny part of the space they already have up there.
you go up to 10 and it's nothing but crickets
Not entirely true...

The FT8 mode which has taken over the majority of digital mode operating uses 10 meters and is running right now as I types this.

On weekends I do hear some nets on the band and don't forget KC4TVZ acts as the 10 meter beacon.

In the FM simplex section of the band, I do hear and made some good DX contacts (in the Ham world, DX is contacts outside the country).

Also there are 10 meter repeaters coming thru on skip that are fun to get on and DX operators can be heard using them too. KQ2H is one I can often hear.
I will agree that ten meters is underutilized and has been for years we should use it more often.
It is one big chunk of space compared to other bands like 12 and 15 meters.
There is a ten meter net check in here on Wednesday night's that's been going on for years.
Now that the cycle is up I hear DX almost daily.

I see those are vishay irf but I can't read the numbers.
It looks like they have a very similar board but with a different layout to meet the footprint. Pretty cool that the final sections and components are nearly identical.

Edit: looking closer they are 520's.

How are they making 80 watts out of the same final set up (1x1x2)as the current ones and still using the 520?

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