Long day away from home. Turned radio about 10:00 tonight and heard one distant voice. He was in Australia and responded to the pleading call from my feeble station. Logged him on QRZ.
Especially for first ever! Well done.Impressive contact and QSO !
Great contact!Im proud to say i Made my 1st 10 meter contact last night!
A good clear 15 min qso to Dubbo Australia
At 10pm eastern US time on 28.337
Surprisingly i was on my sirio vertical instead of the homebrew dipole that usually rakes in the long distance stations
and now your hooked. keep on keeping on.Thanks guys! I look foward to many more and hopefully hearing yall over the air
Thanks 357. Mines mediocre compared to some of stations ive spoke with.Hard to hold a good station back 455monte ! You are getting it done !
Flare Threat / AR 3030 |
June 10, 2022 @ 10:40 UTC |
Newly assigned sunspot region 3030 appears to be a threat for moderate solar flares as the GOES-16 X-Ray Flux is approaching the M1 threshold. Perhaps this weekend could get interesting. |