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11 meter is very quiet?

Currently it's a train wreck on anything over .3650 in between channels and all. Still pulling in some good contacts but it's rough and tough tonight.

@Shadetree Mechanic it's crowded my friend and I just couldn't pull you in all the way. We'll keep trying!
Hey 828, it was getting late in the evening for me and I was getting ready to put my President George ammo can on charge and then put it away for the night. I heard you call CQ a few times but could not get back to you. Between the big stations and conditions fading in and out, it sure was a mess. My battery voltage was dipping below 12v on modulation, so I know the 203 was struggling. Your station was sounding clean and clear and many times you were the only one I heard. And I heard several stations trying to get back to you too. I will be standing by on 37 most evenings either out in the garage, or portable at my mother-in-law's kitchen table.

Ps. There is Hurricane Helene in the gulf that is building up right now, might do something for conditions. Everyone down south stay safe!

What freq is everyone sitting on? I'm bouncing around 35 thru 40, and .400, .415, .420, .425. Never hear you guys.
I check around on35-40 lsb. I heard some activity earlier today but couldn't get a come-back. But after hearing you guys in the forum I'm beginning to realize it isn't just me. But this stinking valley doesn't help any,so I feel good when I do make a contact.
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Normally... 375.
It's been busy around here lately so I'm not on as much. That's slowly changing. I'm actually listening on 375 now.
Hey there Brother Dxer, I believe I just heard you on .375 and you gave me a quick Hollar back,but then I lost you,hope your doing well my Friend!!

Hey there Brother Dxer, I believe I just heard you on .375 and you gave me a quick Hollar back,but then I lost you,hope your doing well my Friend!!

Yes sir!! Man, it's so busy I'm having a hard time pulling anyone out of the mix. Maybe next time my friend! It's been too long.
And the dx continues through the night with contacts made into Hawaii and just now finished up a nice qso 529 Sydney Australia. I know conditions are what gets us there but the q6 pro is a boss in the realm of ssb.

@Pez I'm not sure how I missed the part about the TX Nr but your tip on the other thread made things much nicer for me. Thank you sir
yesterday morning i talked to 2 guys in nova scotia and we talked a good spell. they play fiddle and steel guitire so was intersting chat,maybe 20 minutes no break ins
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