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11 meter is very quiet?

It's booming into the panhandle of Texas this morning so here we go.

Expected thunderstorms this evening, tonight into tomorrow so I'll get it before I lay the mast over until it clears.

Happy dx everyone.
Booming in Delaware too, I have a radio full of UK operators. Get it while it's hot!
Just made contact with @codeman 553 Texas a few minutes ago. Conditions are there, but it's tough going with all the operators that are trying. I also heard @Brother DXer 226 West Texas, but he couldn't hear me. I was operating portable from my mother-in-laws kitchen table. We were eating lunch and everyone got a kick out of hearing you call for me. Haven't made it back out to the garage yet, I will be sure to give you a holler.
Just made contact with @codeman 553 Texas a few minutes ago. Conditions are there, but it's tough going with all the operators that are trying. I also heard @Brother DXer 226 West Texas, but he couldn't hear me. I was operating portable from my mother-in-laws kitchen table. We were eating lunch and everyone got a kick out of hearing you call for me. Haven't made it back out to the garage yet, I will be sure to give you a holler.
I had just finished up an early lunch, turned on the radio and made a few contacts. I was talking to Maryland and Ontario so I thought I might hear you, Chris. I did have a short qso with Little Brown Jug in VA. I haven't heard from him in a long time! It's good to know he's still out there, getting some radio time in. You'll never hear a more cheerful guy on the radio.

I'll be on occasionally throughout the weekend. Maybe we can get in another qso my friend.

I heard little brown jug just yesterday. I thought to myself that it had been at least a year since I had heard him.
There are a lot ofoperators on the radio I forget about until I hear them again.
The one I do remember, but haven't heard in a year or so is WB911 from Michigan.

Looks like we should have some good conditions for a while. It's nice when I can hear stations from The UK and down to Australia the same day.
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Standing by on 37 out in the garage. I finally get to work on my own junk for once. I found something from when the kids were small. A game that I called "nuts and bolts". The kids being curious would always want to know what I was working on, and I came up with things to keep them occupied. So I came up with this, but first they witnessed the awesome power of JB Weld. I just showed my 23 year old son and got a good chuckle.

Well was on the run for parts for repairs as usual and that McKinley was banging in the UK on 37 lsb like it was next door with a low noise floor. Also seem to be hearing a lot of Mexican, more so than usual. It will be my luck when Monday rolls around DX will drop out. But at least my kitchen range is fixed and my Propane vent free heater is now ready to take the chill out that is coming. Glad to see you guys getting happy again !
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Check out page #581, Post #8712. Pretty much tells the whole sad story. Seemed like a flood when I got into the shack. But I got all the gear dried out, and so far everything survived. Gonna see if the 139 will fire up tomorrow morning.

- J.J. 399
Hope that 139 is still working. I've made contact with you earlier this year and that rig is spot on perfect, hope to hear you on the air soon.

Weird conditions for me tonight. Did make a contact with 123 in Massachusetts, but that was all. I could hear stations from coast to coast, but they couldn't hear me. According to tonight's propagation for me, 400 watts ssb wasn't enough to get to the mailbox.
It was thunderstorming all day, but finally had a break around 5:30 PM. Crossed my fingers and turned everything on. No smoke, and when I spoke into the mike, the wattmeter reading seemed normal. Called CQ, and got several stations coming back to me. But then the rain started again and I shut down. Looks like everything survived. Forecast for tomorrow is clear so I will try again in the morning.

- J.J. 399

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