What I've gotten out of this thread, right or wrong is .....
- PEP and peak are the same (I posted a link that said otherwise, but it was shot down)
- the carrier measures the same pep or average
- an average modulated signal is generally 20-30% of pep (sometimes higher depending on processing and compression, my stuff runs slightly over 30%)
- carrier x4 will get you in the ballpark of 100% modulation
- a modulated signal of 4x the carrier can swing an average meter backwards (which I don't think is a good thing)
- AM isn't a modulated carrier or SSB wouldn't work because it has no carrier
I think terminology and expression make this more of a hot topic than understanding, because I'm sure what I just laid out as my understanding will have people taking exception.
Now, i'm going to the peanut gallery and sit the rest of this one out