So I received my package yesterday. A new 5555N2. Been familiarizing myself with it, somewhat. I've found a lot of things I really like, and a few things that I don't like, but it could be a matter of me just not understanding something correctly.
Instead of trying to address everything at once, I'll just go over these few annoyances one at a time. None of them are major, but still significant.
Can someone tell me if there is a "built-in" preamp that is on all the time? The noise floor at my station, at least when I was testing last night, is non-existent. My Icom 7610 was seeing zero S-units of noise floor on 10 meters at the time of testing.
It was right at the bottom of the 7610 (excellent) meter, with an occasional little "tickling" of the first tiny dot on the meter, which is about a quarter S-unit. This is how it is when there is no atmospheric noise being registered on my 7610. Late at night, it's usually the norm.
Enter the 5555. That thing is seeing a 3 & 1/2 S-unit noise floor continuously, bumping up to 4 frequently. If I flip on my 1st preamp on my 7610, it was giving me right at 3 S-units, so with the 5555N II, it was just like having a preamp turned on.
I don't like having an almost 4 S-unit signal when there is absolutely nothing (including atmospheric noise) on the band. I noticed when I was watching the guy who runs "Scott's Radios" (on YouTube) during a QSO he recorded, he's got the same level of noise floor, when there is none. That's why he uses the DNR on 5 ALL the time.
This gets rid of he noise, but degrades the audio quality a bit. And if you look at the meter, it's still there. The DNR quiets it, so that it seems to be gone. But in reality, weak signals are not able to be heard, when on my 7610, they are plain as day, because there is no 3 or 4 pounds of hash covering it up.
Yes, I realize that the 7610 is leaps and bounds better than this veritable "toy" (by comparison), but why then do other 10 meter radios show nothing but quiet on this antenna, unless there really IS a legitimate atmospheric noise floor? One that shows up on ALL my radios, including the 7610?
I have put Rangers and HR2510's and Cobra 148's (etc...) on this antenna and they don't show anything on the meter when it's quiet, just like it is right now. While this thing has what seems to be a permanent baseline of 3-4 S-units of hash. This is why Scott keeps his DNR maxed out all the time, because he has that pervasive noise floor that shouldn't be, too. Unless he just has locally generated noise where he's at.
This radio is supposed to have a good receiver. Yes? That's one of the very main reasons I bought it.
So back to my question... Does anyone know if this radio is preamped full time, and is there any way to shut that off? The RF Gain needs to be scaled back a lot to get rid of that signal on the meter, and doing so also makes the radio deaf to signals that would otherwise be easily copyable.
I'm by no means a "perfectionist" I don't expect an "always noise-free" band, but after 50 years of radio experience in CB, Amateur, and commercial radio, I know when something is not right. I know when the band is totally quiet, and when there is an ACTUAL noise floor. And not one that ONLY one radio "sees".
So my question boils down to this...
Is there a way (other than reducing the RF gain), to switch off any built-in preamp that seems to be on? Or will I always be looking at a minimum of a 3-4 S-unit noise floor, when there should be none?
I have a very quiet location, so it makes me wonder what it will be like during the day, when there's often more atmospheric hash under the skip. Am I going to see a 6 or 7 noise floor? More? lol... On 10 meters?
If this radio has a preamp, that would explain everything, since it matches the signal my 7610 sees, with it's preamp on.
Any thoughts or suggestions? I don't really look forward to a permanent (always present) noise floor that isn't even really there.