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Anytone at-5555n II (version 2)


I'm also not terribly impressed with the receiver on my Q5N2. I've got the same issue with the S meter on my Q5N2. It's S4-S5 when all of my other radios show ~S1. Wonder if the S meter (and possibly other parameters) weren't aligned properly on some... Seems plausible.

I've also noticed the noise blanker drops the adjacent channel rejection massively when on. Yeah, I realize one of the many pitfalls of NB but I've never as dramatic of an effect as on this radio. And sometimes you need a noise blanker because you've got a neighbor with some spark gap generator you have no control over or various noises encountered while mobile and need to run it. I will turn a radio off rather than listen to repetitive/impulse type noises all day. There are plenty of CB's/Exports where you can run the NB full time without much issue.

There's a lot that's very cool about the radio for the money. I just wish mine was as quiet sounding as Pez's and others.

I bought one to possibly throw in the mobile instead of my FT-891 (which is a fantastic mobile SSB transceiver, but AM is meh). Would be fun to be able to mess around on AM on longer road trips.

Not bashing the radio. Just sharing my experience with it.

Thanks for you response, Fred. Much appreciated.

These other guys think I am complaining, when all I am doing, is attempting to find out if there are others who've experienced the same things I am noticing in my radio.

If these clowns had any honesty about them, they'd have to admit that I have complemented this radio at least as much as I have "pissed and moaned".

But these are the kind of unhappy A-holes that like to attack people who've never said one harsh thing towards them. The world is FULL of these types, which why it sucks more and more, every year.

In the Undertaker's case, I guess that years of embalming people has not made for a happy camper. Probably dead inside, himself. Unhappy people tend to lash out at other people for no legitimate reason.

That's OK... It's their problem, not mine. I will continue to enjoy the forum here, and the thoughtful (and helpful) comments made by people like you. It's actually EXACTLY what I was looking for, as was the comment by Timmy.

I'll just step over the comments of the Dipsh1ts as I would a dog turd, in the yard.


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You need to calm down OM. It was a joke, and a good one. Did you say something about GFY? Or getting laid, or take a bong hit, or something???

I have given you heaps of help and advice. Take it or leave it. It's there in the posts regardless.

I am perfectly calm, and have been all along.

I am simply addressing the rudeness I was shown, when it was far from deserved.

The "GFY" was directed at Dumb and Dumber.

Not you.

And I have been "taking it or leaving it". I've been 100% civil with you. It's just that the other guys who have the same problem that I have been experiencing, are the ones that I have interacted with more, since they can see what I am seeing.
Are you a Ham? OM stands for "Old Man". It's a friendly term used in Ham radio to refer to another operator.

Yeah... I'm a ham. Have been for a very long time. I've only heard people called "Old Man" thousands of times, but never "OM". I guess I just didn't realize what that acronym stood for.

Thanks for the clarification.
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Let me see if I am understanding this ^^^ correctly. Correct me if I got this wrong...

You took "two 5/8 wave for (I assume you meant 'four') foot Firestick antennas and configured them as 1.25 wave dipole"?

Are you using a tuner with that? What do the SWR's look like, untuned?

Just curious... 73's!
Yes, that’s what I did. I don’t know anything really about making antennas. Maybe a little bit. SWR’s were great on the flat side. I don’t remember but they were like 1.4 to 1 on 40 end 1.1 to 1 channel 1. I just lucked out. I adjusted both of them five turns out and put that about 25 feet in air. I could’ve adjusted them a little more, but I was OK with that.
Yes, that’s what I did. I don’t know anything really about making antennas. Maybe a little bit. SWR’s were great on the flat side. I don’t remember but they were like 1.4 to 1 on 40 end 1.1 to 1 channel 1. I just lucked out. I adjusted both of them five turns out and put that about 25 feet in air. I could’ve adjusted them a little more, but I was OK with that.

Hey, as long as it works good, that a nice compact antenna. I might try something similar, for portable use.
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Yeah... I'm a ham. Have been for a very long time. I've only heard people called "Old Man" thousands of times, but never "OM". I guess I just didn't realize what that acronym stood for.

Thanks for the clarification.
It comes from Morse Code originally. "OM" is still very commonly used there.
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I would love to be able to help more, to get to the bottom of the issue SOME people seem to be having.

Call me crazy, but my radio works perfectly, and anyone who bothers to watch my videos can see that for themselves. I mean, it's up against a new FTDX10 and still sounds great!?

If people want to believe something else, then that's fine, I cant stop them, but then it also makes it really hard to help them solve any issues they might be having.


Just for the record, I did (as I previously stated) watch your videos, which I very much appreciated. And I did comment on how I wish my radio was working like yours. So it's not a matter of me not believing what you are saying. I would have believed you without watching your videos.

The real question, is, do you believe what I am telling you about this radio? Do you believe what Fred and Timmy and Magnum said, regarding their radios, which seem to have the same issues as mine? .

However, I know that you obviously do believe it, because you have worked at trying to help me figure it out, which is far more than could be said about certain other people, who seem to be more akin to self-centered trolls.

Your help (just as I have said all along) is much appreciated. You have demonstrated that some people have this model of radio WITHOUT the issue at hand.

And that in itself, is also useful information. So again, thanks... :)

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It comes from Morse Code originally. "OM" is still very commonly used there.
Well, that explains it then... lol! I've never been into Morse Code. Other than for testing, many years ago, I've never used Morse ONCE on air. For whatever reason, it's just never held any interest for me.

In fact, come to think of it, I've never used ANY mode, other than phone on AM, FM, and SSB. I couldn't care less about data modes or CW. But as with everything else, to each, his own. That's the way it is, and the way it should be.
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Hey, as long as it works good, that a nice compact antenna. I might try something similar, for portable use.
DX was well beyond what I ever really expected. I had multiple long conversations with quite a few people. Receive was great. It’s on the ground right now cause I’m working on my old push-up pole. Like 50 years old. Last an10a I had up on it was an Antron 99. Which completely disintegrated sitting up there for the past 27 years.
Dallas, in the most diplomatic phrasing I can conger,

You have burned an extremely large amount of time and energy on one issue that you are currently having with a radio which seems to run great for most others, including myself. I understand that you feel this is a huge issue. It is no ones right to tell another how they should feel. You feel how you feel.

After reading the multitude of posts you've written, may I suggest you send this radio to its grave and be done with it. Take a loss and move on. It's apparent you'll NEVER be happy with it.
I'm finding the receive is a bit different than my Q5n. Service menu item 21, RXNR,
has a great affect on the noise. Default was OFF. Adjusts 1-5. 2 is comfortable to me. The Q5n doesn't have that. I also run these with the NB and HIC on.

I'm getting a lot of atmospheric hiss today. Tomorrow may be different, but to me these have very good receive sections. The noise floor doesn't seem to be any different than the Q5n.
I'm finding the receive is a bit different than my Q5n. Service menu item 21, RXNR,
has a great affect on the noise. Default was OFF. Adjusts 1-5. 2 is comfortable to me. The Q5n doesn't have that. I also run these with the NB and HIC on.

I'm getting a lot of atmospheric hiss today. Tomorrow may be different, but to me these have very good receive sections. The noise floor doesn't seem to be any different than the Q5n.
I believe you'll like it especially after owning the original Q5N. I too own both the N and N2 and although the 5N was a good radio too, this one takes it up a notch or two.

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