I'm also not terribly impressed with the receiver on my Q5N2. I've got the same issue with the S meter on my Q5N2. It's S4-S5 when all of my other radios show ~S1. Wonder if the S meter (and possibly other parameters) weren't aligned properly on some... Seems plausible.
I've also noticed the noise blanker drops the adjacent channel rejection massively when on. Yeah, I realize one of the many pitfalls of NB but I've never as dramatic of an effect as on this radio. And sometimes you need a noise blanker because you've got a neighbor with some spark gap generator you have no control over or various noises encountered while mobile and need to run it. I will turn a radio off rather than listen to repetitive/impulse type noises all day. There are plenty of CB's/Exports where you can run the NB full time without much issue.
There's a lot that's very cool about the radio for the money. I just wish mine was as quiet sounding as Pez's and others.
I bought one to possibly throw in the mobile instead of my FT-891 (which is a fantastic mobile SSB transceiver, but AM is meh). Would be fun to be able to mess around on AM on longer road trips.
Not bashing the radio. Just sharing my experience with it.
Thanks for you response, Fred. Much appreciated.
These other guys think I am complaining, when all I am doing, is attempting to find out if there are others who've experienced the same things I am noticing in my radio.
If these clowns had any honesty about them, they'd have to admit that I have complemented this radio at least as much as I have "pissed and moaned".
But these are the kind of unhappy A-holes that like to attack people who've never said one harsh thing towards them. The world is FULL of these types, which why it sucks more and more, every year.
In the Undertaker's case, I guess that years of embalming people has not made for a happy camper. Probably dead inside, himself. Unhappy people tend to lash out at other people for no legitimate reason.
That's OK... It's their problem, not mine. I will continue to enjoy the forum here, and the thoughtful (and helpful) comments made by people like you. It's actually EXACTLY what I was looking for, as was the comment by Timmy.
I'll just step over the comments of the Dipsh1ts as I would a dog turd, in the yard.
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