No it is a waste. Not because it does not interest him but scientifically it is a waste of power, it is a waste of bandwidth, it is a waste in almost every way if 95% of the radio's on the band can not receive 30% of your transmitted data becasue it is too wide for the receivers to detect. If you look at the reason the purpose and utility of SSB than it is a waste on every level and violates the spirit of two way radio communication. Amateur and CB radio's are not intended to mimic commercial broadcast radio on AM or FM. You are supposed to use as little power and bandwidth as you can to be heard and not interfere or pollute the RF spectrum. I am not anti eSSB for local rag chewing at QRP power levels. Once you start to add power though you need to knock it off with the eSSB or hifi AM so you do not pollute the band or interfer with other's. It is kind of like listening to loud music in your home or car. It is not right to force your music upon other's with excessively loud music. Even if it is legal up to a certain time it is not being a good neighbor or good citizen!You are entitled to an opinion but something is not a waste just because it doesn't interest you. If you only want to listen 2.8khz wide that's your business. There are no specific laws about transmit bandwidth but a person does need to be considerate when the band is crowded. Don't think too badly of the guy in the video I posted. He doesn't even have a ssb transmitter...or coax.
Look at all those selfish nitwits on Ch. 6!! That channel is functional useless!