Do you believe the cone radiates a significant amount of power, or mostly acts just to contain the lower reverse phase energy with only negligible additional in-phase radiation?
I think he addresses that issue here
Toll Free wrote:
"THEREFORE!!!! The model that shockwave posted, the modeling I've seen and performed myself, and the theory of slotted antennas and others points to this: The BOTTOM section (the basket) works on the principle of a transmission line, and it transforms the impedance seen at the halfwave feedpoint (which is at the basket) down to a MUCH lower feedpoint impedance which is also slightly inductive.
Proof in the pudding you say???
OK, here ya go!
Get some GOOD ferrite beads and put them JUST below the basket attachment point to the 'radials'. This will prevent radiation, JUST LIKE A BALUN OR CHOKE ON A COAXIAL FEEDLINE!!!. Do NOT try this with full power, you'll crack'em good! The INSIDE of the basket will STILL contain the radiation pattern (and the 4 radial version does better than the original siggie design), BUT you will get LITTLE 'feedline radiation' from the OUTSIDE of the basket, or as Shockwave had put it, the colinear effect....
The antenna BASICALLY performs just like the marketing BS from the Antron.... It's a half wave over a quarter wave... The ODD thing that makes this NOT apparent and nobody takes into account one thing (in the basket): VELOCITY FACTOR. Because the basket flares out and is a transmission line, the internal conductor will HAVE to be shortened to maintain ELECTRIC length.