Hi Bob, OK, could you translate that for me into dB?
I noticed the Vector was peaking at 2.37 A/m but the SGM was peaking at only .173 A/m.
2.37 ÷ .173 = 13.7 times more...?
If this were equivalent to watts, the Vector would be radiating more than 20 times more energy than the SGM.
That would be an increase on the meter of about 3-5 S-units.
I'm not at all familiar with CST so I'd like to know if that is more than simply a difference based on the initial configuration of the program set-up, as in how much input power they told the program it was working with, or something else.
Also, seeing the width of the red/blue in the current peak areas in comparison to the low current areas makes me imagine 'the more the better' as in 'the more width the higher the output'. Is this an incorrect presumption?
I noticed the width of the peak red/blue areas on the still of the Vector full-bloom is only about half of the width which appears at full bloom on the SGM CST.
How is it that this does NOT designate less overall output by comparison, even though the A/m amount is so many times higher?
I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge in this area.