Try adding ferrite cores to all the wire leads, including the AC power cord if your unit has one. 1000uf electrolytic capacitors across the DC terminals may also help. Some of the worst units, especially those imported from China with plastic cases and no FCC certification, need to be isolated inside a manufactured or home brew “Faraday shield” cage. The cage also needs to have its own separate earth ground. An old microwave oven will make an ideal cage.I have RFI causing a whole lot of static. It is coming from the inverter on my solar shed. I sure could use a cure for this.
You are measuring the noise level on a CB S-meter so it could be improperly calibrated since it is not a precise instrument.I have no issues with noise on any radio since I use a ClearSpeech DSP module on every radio I own on AM or SSB.It wipes away the noise so all you hear are the voices in the speaker.The ClearSpeech even makes the receive on my ICOM 7600 better on HF & 6 meters.SIX-SHOOTER
You are measuring the noise level on a CB S-meter so it could be improperly calibrated since it is not a precise instrument.I have no issues with noise on any radio since I use a ClearSpeech DSP module on every radio I own on AM or SSB.It wipes away the noise so all you hear are the voices in the speaker.The ClearSpeech even makes the receive on my ICOM 7600 better on HF & 6 meters.
Not so worried about meter as not hearing consistently out to say 10 miles or the guy 42 miles away buried in RF static..
Seems like I added the first choke near antenna feed point the other people can be heard 'cleaner' too over the din
Also remember the radio was run off just a battery for testing.. definitely not coming from this house.. either other people or the nearby transformer.
Did you miss the part about getting or using a DSP module or DSP Speaker?
After doing solar stuff a few years back..My inverter is the culprit I can pull into the yard with my mobile in the truck and when I get to about 80 ft. away the RFI starts. As soon as I move away the interference drops. I have my radio (base) about 50 ft. away from the solar shed. I took hardware cloth and put it on the outside wall of the inverter and sank a grounding rod 8ft. into the ground and grounded the hardware cloth to it. It did not help. I have tried the ferrite chokes to the ac lines also but still have not killed the noise. The chokes I bought of ebay. Before I had the solar I just used a generator. Never had the problem until I got the inverter. I have not grounded the A99 yet but might try that. I have not hooked up the HF radio yet but it will have the same effect I am sure. I could shut the inverter down and just run the generator when I need to run the transmitter I guess but that will be a pain in the arse! I have not tried to twist the DC cables but will do that when I service my DC connections.