I've made similar antennas for several bands over the years, from 440MHz (just wires attached to a SO-239 connector) to 11 meters, although I tend to use four radials (instead of the three on the Starduster), and they all tuned right up after a little trimming. I'm not sure on the dimensions of yours offhand, but with the radials angled as they are you do have to make some adjustments to the antenna's electrical length as the radials will react with each other to an extent. There will also generally be CMC issues, although the cause is different than the CMC issues with most other antennas, which is likely why you had SWR issues to begin with, and also why this solution worked for you.
I'm glad this solution worked for you, although at the same time I wish I was there to see what else you did just to see what I would have come up with. I can pretty much guarantee that I would have solved your SWR problem using another method. That isn't saying that your method was wrong, its whatever works right?
When it comes to the actual antenna, just because this solution worked for you doesn't necessarily mean they are doing the same thing, that is all I am saying. I also have, with some time, the ability to confirm it, so if I am wrong and the antenna is using a detuning sleeve, I will return here and correct myself.
The DB