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Pretty neat Riverman, I wonder if you did the same thing with a 108 inch steel whip if there would be any difference in transmission and receiving?????

Yep. (y) Have done that. Increased bandwidth and efficiency.
Just don’t have one right now. :giggle:
I do have a 66” steel whip and a Buddistick 10-40 meter coil I’m thinking about switching to. As well as moving to a different part of yard where it will be more in the open. Both should help. That said, this thing works like crazy. The locals can’t believe what I’m using. :ROFLMAO:
I'm bouncing between 40 and 42LSB maybe ill hear you all this afternoon. It's amazing the amount of single digit IQ individuals playing recordings and deliberately jamming even freeband with their whining. I guess they go where they can get recognition. What a sad existence.
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I was on 40 and 42 from 11am 'til 2pm. Lots of contacts, but no WDXers. Got back on around 6pm. Pretty quiet except I hooked up with 434 Doug in Biloxi Mississippi ,who was calling CQ-DX. Great 35 minute uninterrupted QSO. The most enjoyable QSO I've had in a long time. Still . . . no WDXers. Maybe tomorrow.

- 399 J.J.
Had so many contacts all over just crazy.
The freq now available to me help tremendously. I dont have to fight it out on 38LSB. But oddly I heard not one WDX member today. Its a conspiracy. Yall are hiding from me lol
I was thinking that you were doing the same thing. Glad that you're enjoying your new rig. Now point that beam south and give me a shout. 40 or 42.

- J.J.

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