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Planning on being on the air after 2pm on 38 and 40 and checking 16 periodically LSB today, hopefully conditions will cooperate, would love to snag some good DX contacts for a change ...............

I do a lot of DX work since I gotten back into the hobby. I'm running a Super Penetrator 500 that I rebuilt and tuned. I have it hooked up to an Anytone 5555n2 with a 50 amp power supply. I'm still trying to figure out where to tune, besides 38 lower, to where I can make decent contacts. I read about some of the guys running 26.805 on FM, which I think would be cool. Anyway, my number is 842 and I'm around Waco, Texas. Hope to hear some of you out on the radio soon.
I'm still trying to figure out where to tune, besides 38 lower, to where I can make decent contacts.
LSB: 27.355 to 27.445 in 5 KHz steps. 38 is the main calling channel but is also home to hundreds of idiots with noise toys etc.
A few folks still use 27.155 (ch.16) LSB as well.
Caribbean calling channel is 27.515 LSB

USB: International calling channel: 27.555 USB. Folks call on 555 and then QSY to a nearby frequency to chat....usually a "0" like 27.500 or 27.510 USB.
International spanish calling channel: 27.455 USB (also 26.555 and 27.665).

AM: 26.915 is the closest thing to an AM DX calling channel other than the really noisy ones like 6, 11, 17, 19 and 28.

FM: 26.805 is the international FM channel. In spite of what you might hear, there are NO other FM only channels that I'm aware of; though I do hear spanish FM from South America on various other freqs.
26.805 was hopping daily a few months back, but with the poor conditions lately I haven't been hearing as much on there.

Good Luck !
Good Morning All, planning on being on the Air tomorrow after 9am off and on through out the day on 38 and 16 LSB since I'm off on July 4th from work, hopefully conditions will cooperate to make some contacts out there in DX land, Hope all of my WDX Brother's out there have a Happy and Blessed 4th of July with their Families!!!

I've got some antenna work and yard work to do first thing in the morning, while it's still a chilly 85 degrees. But I should be in the shack on and off throughout the next few days. LSB 37 through 40 mostly. I'll check 16 and also some above 405.
Yep, it's called radio ADHD. :ROFLMAO:

I hope everyone has a great Independence Day!!
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Without trying to sound like a useless dummy, I have a question for all of you. How does one arrive at picking a DX callsign? I was reading some of the DX information on the internet, which really didn't clear up the confusion. As I understand it, the first two numbers are supposed to be the country code. After that part, the confusion sets in and I've yet to find out what the appropriate answer is. I've always used the three numbers that I've used for years, but apparently on the international DX it's a different story. Anyway, I was just curious about what any of you had to offer as far as information goes.
Well Conditions up my way today weren't very promising,No dice on making any contacts, I got my Ranger sitting on.385 LSB at the moment and it's mostly quiet with a couple of faint voices in the background,I'll be glad when the fall season gets here and conditions improve just like last year, Summer always seems to be up and down in Dx ....... hope everyone had a great July 4th with there Family's!!
Well Conditions up my way today weren't very promising,No dice on making any contacts, I got my Ranger sitting on.385 LSB at the moment and it's mostly quiet with a couple of faint voices in the background,I'll be glad when the fall season gets here and conditions improve just like last year, Summer always seems to be up and down in Dx ....... hope everyone had a great July 4th with there Family's!!
Don't give up just yet. I haven't heard squat today but I did notice some very faint stations coming in from the northeast a few minutes ago. I'll go back and check around 5:30 central and see if it's getting any better. We may be able to make contact later this evening.
Without trying to sound like a useless dummy, I have a question for all of you. How does one arrive at picking a DX callsign? I was reading some of the DX information on the internet, which really didn't clear up the confusion. As I understand it, the first two numbers are supposed to be the country code. After that part, the confusion sets in and I've yet to find out what the appropriate answer is. I've always used the three numbers that I've used for years, but apparently on the international DX it's a different story. Anyway, I was just curious about what any of you had to offer as far as information goes.
Keep it simple my friend. Just pick a number and make it unique. I'm 226 west Texas, because that's my birthday. 2/26
A lot of people go this route. I can tell you that I don't care for long call signs when working dx. I heard a station recently, he was RCT-1239. It took him 3 times calling out before I got all of it. So again, keep it simple and unique.
You're close to Waco??

Edit: if you're talking to another country, yes you can use the country code. 2. There are several other ways as well. "State side" is one I've heard and use as well.

@BC Coyote needs to chime in here. He would probably be more help than me.
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Don't give up just yet. I haven't heard squat today but I did notice some very faint stations coming in from the northeast a few minutes ago. I'll go back and check around 5:30 central and see if it's getting any better. We may be able to make contact later this evening.
Sounds good,I'll have my radio on listening on 38 LSB, I wasn't really giving up per say, I have just noticed a trend in Dx conditions like last year,that's all, hope you had a great 4th with your Family Brother Dxer!!
I made one contact in St. Lucia, one in Venezuela and two in Texas today. All were on .385LSB around mid-day. Maybe it'll pick up this afternoon and evening! Hope ya'll are having a awesome day.
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