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Keep it simple my friend. Just pick a number and make it unique. I'm 226 west Texas, because that's my birthday. 2/26
A lot of people go this route. I can tell you that I don't care for long call signs when working dx. I heard a station recently, he was RCT-1239. It took him 3 times calling out before I got all of it. So again, keep it simple and unique.
You're close to Waco??

Edit: if you're talking to another country, yes you can use the country code. 2. There are several other ways as well. "State side" is one I've heard and use as well.

@BC Coyote needs to chime in here. He would probably be more help than me.
Yeah, I'm in Valley Mills. I used to live out in West Texas many years ago though.....Post, Texas to be specific! LOL
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On Vacation until the 29th, will be on the radio each day hopefully on 38 and 16 LSB listening for and hoping to make contact with WDX Forum Member's out there and some good DX also, hopefully conditions will be cooperative,I have noticed it seems at least for me up here in Central Pennsylvania that between 7am and Noon seems to be the best times to make contacts as in the afternoon, conditions seem to shift and die off,I'm noticing that more and more , hope to hear you all out there...........

On Vacation until the 29th, will be on the radio each day hopefully on 38 and 16 LSB listening for and hoping to make contact with WDX Forum Member's out there
If you're on the air around 10:30 EST this morning, give me a call on Chan 37LSB. unit399 , Medellin Colombia. I'll be listening.

- J.J. 399
I'll be on 39 for an hour or so this morning. There's a couple of guys on 37 trying to make radio great again. Bitch and moan :ROFLMAO:
They just don't see the irony....
Just got in the door and quickly fired up the Ranger and gave a shout out to you in hopes of making contact, pretty quiet up here on channel 39 at the moment..............
Just got in the door and quickly fired up the Ranger and gave a shout out to you in hopes of making contact, pretty quiet up here on channel 39 at the moment..............
I made a handful of contacts on 39 but none were up in your part of the country. The closest was probably Columbus Ohio. But then after 30 minutes conditions faded out.
Texas was booming into South America this morning. Made solid hookups with 4 TX stations. Gave 226 a shout out, but no come back. Nothing from WDX-1863 Steve in the keystone either. back on the air around 2pm to try again. chans 37 and 39. 73s

- J.J. 399
Just woke up from a nap and fired up the Ranger and gave a shout out to you Unit _399 on 37 and 39 , maybe sometime down the road we shall make contact, have a great day today!!

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I took off work at noon today and with triple digit temperatures this weekend, I don't see me doing a lot outside. I'll be on the radio more than normal and will split my time between 37 and 39, unless 38 is the only channel with anything happening.

73's and may you all enjoy great DXing this weekend!Screenshot_20240816-145136_The Weather Channel.jpg
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I'll be on the radio more than normal and will split my time between 37 and 39, unless 38 is the only channel with anything happening.
I'll be on late morning and most of the rest of the day. 37LSB.

If tomorrow is anything like today, all the channels will be on fire. I was on 37LSB from 5-7:30 pm and then shut down for another of our nighttime thunderstorms. But in that two and a half hours, I bagged 27 contacts. Ontario, New Hampshire, New York city, Pennsylvania, Ohio (4), Illinois, Tennessee (2), Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, Arizona, and California (4), and some others I can't remember off the top of my head. Never took my amp off of low (300W).

BTW --- Luz came down to the shack while I was Dxing, and was amazed on how many stations were calling for me. She asked if she could try, so I went to 27.555USB where most of the operators are spanish-speaking. I called CQ and said that my wife wanted to try Dxing. I hooked up with an operator in Chile and handed the mike to her. Luz talks to her friends local all the time, but never to a stranger in another country. She had "mike fright" at first, but the Chile operator calmed her down and they had a nice long chat. She really enjoyed it, and talked about it all night. She's hooked. I think this will make buying new gear a lot easier LOL. BUT . . . looks like I will be sharing my DX time from now on. :(:(

- J.J. 399
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I'll be on late morning and most of the rest of the day. 37LSB.

If tomorrow is anything like today, all the channels will be on fire. I was on 37LSB from 5-7:30 pm and then shut down for another of our nighttime thunderstorms. But in that two and a half hours, I bagged 27 contacts. Ontario, New Hampshire, New York city, Pennsylvania, Ohio (4), Illinois, Tennessee (2), Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, Arizona, and California (4), and some others I can't remember off the top of my head. Never took my amp off of low (300W).

BTW --- Luz came down to the shack while I was Dxing, and was amazed on how many stations were calling for me. She asked if she could try, so I went to 27.555USB where most of the operators are spanish-speaking. I called CQ and said that my wife wanted to try Dxing. I hooked up with an operator in Chile and handed the mike to her. Luz talks to her friends local all the time, but never to a stranger in another country. She had "mike fright" at first, but the Chile operator calmed her down and they had a nice long chat. She really enjoyed it, and talked about it all night. She's hooked. I think this will make buying new gear a lot easier LOL. BUT . . . looks like I will be sharing my DX time from now on. :(:(

- J.J. 399
:ROFLMAO: Oh yes, my friend. You'll be sharing that shack now. Has she decided on numbers yet? How about Unit 499?

It sounds like you had a heck of a time DXing today. I made 4 contacts and one 15 minute qso with 505 Patrick in Bermuda. They were getting 60 mph winds at the time and were expecting the hurricane to make landfall later tonight.
I sure hope I get some of your conditions tomorrow! I'll be listening for you.


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