I have the same antenna as of a year ago and was getting high s w r readings as well. I got a new antenna and new coax so at this point I had no idea what my issue was originally until I started to research and find out that the antenna in fact was shortened. I have been reading online about people adding an extension to the top third of the antenna, and another post on Facebook showing where a guy put a choke in. I just took my Max 2000 antenna down recently and I am trying to figure out where to go with it. People have told me within a fairly close to stands that I sound very far out. I seem to get it better with my Wilson 1000 mobile antenna than the Max 2000.
Couple of questions for you.
- When did you purchase your current Imax 2000?
- Can you measure the length of your Imax fully assembled?
- What is your install, how is it mounted and how high?
- Is your antenna easily accessible?
- What equipment are you using to measure your SWR?
I may be able to assist you with your antenna but need this info first.