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Base New Imax wont tune 11m....this sucks

Same shit today.

welcome to 2018. The millennium of failures.
I'm gonna take this deathtrap down for the 3rd, 4th time and open it up.
If the coax had a broken connection, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be a flat 50ohm match on 29.240, it'd be crappy everywhere.

Here's what the "replacement" looked like when I opened the box.


This is the shit I've been dealing with. Theres no freaking way thats my fault.

Was not blaming you. I'm just amazed. Perhaps its shipping damage. I recently purchased an A99 and there was no packing materials in the box to keep the parts from banging around. I would give Solarcon a call and see what they say.
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Well I got the "new" antenna back up.
The best I can get is 1.56 with 1 ring up, 1 down.
My rings are split one high and one low
This is my conclusion too. Better off with no rings maybe?
Got one up till it binds in the top seal of glue and the bottom jammed down far as it goes.

1.16 on 28.100
1.46 on 27.385
1.9 26.950

Final verdict 1.43.

IMG_3038.JPG IMG_3037.JPG

I can adust it a bit, still 1.43 but the ohms rise and X and PH go down.
Not sure whats best.

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Try adding a 3' jumper to the length of your antenna coax and see of it changes. Also have you tied tuning and or checking the swr and the antenna feed point? My Imax isnt a perfect match either.....
...but the ohms rise and X and PH go down.
Not sure whats best...

Why are you operating the LP 100 in the vector mode?

The displayed impedance is the couplers load port, NOT the actual antenna feedpoint.

In other words , it is showing feedline loss and feedline impedance mismatch ,the magnitude of which changes as a function of line length.

Adjust your system for minimum X, and don't worry about the VSWR.
Why are you operating the LP 100 in the vector mode?

The displayed impedance is the couplers load port, NOT the actual antenna feedpoint.

In other words , it is showing feedline loss and feedline impedance mismatch ,the magnitude of which changes as a function of line length.

Adjust your system for minimum X, and don't worry about the VSWR.

With a dummyload on the end of the coax, losses where minimal

I removed almost 50' of excess coax I put new connectors on the lmr 400 (they were fine but peoplesaid).
Nothing changed. I have the coax marked every calculated 1/2 wave so I took off 3 sections.
The antenna gets a better match with hot sun and goes down at night. A real joke I cant believe it. You couldn't make this stuff up.
there u go, X=O there is your resonance
Now with the matching network that is such a low Q in the I2K what are you actually trying to achieve?

It is broad banded.
Which means it has low vswr that are very useable but none will really be resonant.

So use the splatter stick, or keep fighting your OCD and keep puling your hair out.
It is about as good as it gets.
Yes it does not get ANY better than that!...Now Loctite those damn rings where they are...
Now if this point is not where you want it the only thing that will change it is length...to move it down in frequency the antenna will need to be longer...to move up, to like 10m it will need to be shorter.
Your not going to see 50 Ohms...X=0 and phase angle=0...that RARELY, if ever occurs on any install I have ever made...That antenna is matched perfectly at the point you have displayed. There are others here that can explain this better than I could !...(DB/CK,plus some others). The masses that believe this happens don't have either the equipment to TRULY measure resonance or do not know how to interpret what they are seeing...A 1.1 to 1 on the VSWR meter does not necessarily mean the antenna is RESONANT and properly matched.
My 2 pennies worth
All the Best
The ONLY antenna that I can recall being RESONANT and VSWR 1:1 @ the same time was a stepIR.

I'm out
:cry::cry::cry::cry: I never owned a stepper ir

I do have a dummy load it comes pretty darn close to being resonant I just tune it like we used to tune the old ARC/51 radios that went in the A4 jets.
Put the cover on it, pressurize it, then start denting the side of the cover to achieve maximum output, the whole damn chassis was a tuned cavity.
When one came in for repair dented to hell we usually ordered a new cover and started all over again.
Not trolling just observing. The antenna you are trying/attempting/ not succeeding in will not tune by the tuning rings to achieve a perfect match on 11 meters as the many pictures and posts you have submitted in this thread proves.

Many members have posted that and yet you still try to achieve it.

You have got advice/help from many members, so if you insist on a perfect match, then purchase or better yet build an antenna that will provide you with the input impedance YOU want.

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