Where the story begins........
when the ground wave field strength of vertical antennas is examined, it is found that if a 1/4
wave antenna has 100 mV. field strength at 1 mile, a 1/2 wave vertical will have about 125 mV.,
a 5/8 wave will have about 140 mV., but a 3/4 wave will have only about 80 mV..
the conditions under which these tests were conducted assume a fixed amount of transmitter power
with all antennas tested matched to the feedline so that Z=50 or R=50, X=0 at the target test
frequency and that all antennas are tested at the same exact feedpoint height.
made to bend as the power required to break a 5/8 ??
with prayers and words??
the VECTOR 4000 is very good for:
unless a Firestik than a 3' !!It has Max Gain, 2.53 dBi at 41.8 degrees. 64+163, so 64 ohms with 164 ohms of inductance.
At 13 and 14 degrees, you have 1.8dBi of gain as well...
the VECTOR 4000 is very good for:
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