I notice they're tiny.
I've got the usual plastic trimming tools here, but they're definitely going to be far too big for this job.
This slot headed trimmer tool is the smallest I have, so if this will be no good for the job an heads up on some good for the job would be much appreciated - https://www.digikey.co.uk/en/products/detail/vishay-spectrol/ACCTRITOB308-T000/1287467?utm_adgroup=General&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Smart Shopping_Product_Zombie SKUs&utm_term=&productid=1287467&gclid=CjwKCAjwjdOIBhA_EiwAHz8xm6WXC55wr87oc96Qx9W4O19YhWAop6LxBCaRxulKEqil02LasjTKSxoCfB4QAvD_BwE