Should there be an ending time besides when conditions disappear??
On the weekends, If I'm on the radio I'm normally on by 9 o'clock CST, and will start calling out and then moving back and forth between 16 and the upper channels. I'm also not on constantly. I'm usually roaming the house, working on one thing or another. As for an ending time, I'd say talk until you're talked out or until conditions crash. Dark thirty is when I normally turn it off, especially if I've been on for a good while. Totty time..We are not bound to any particular schedule. Also, I can definitely see how noon eastern/9:00A.M. pacific might be a bummer for our fellow operators out on the west coast and even Hawaii. The goal has always been to deliberately set up the highest concentration of operators with this semi-fixed schedule that still gives folks the flexibility to give DX a try at the time that suits them best.
Do folks want to push the start time back an hour or two? Would that be better for you folks out west? Do we want to set up an informal "last call" time?
This has always been driven by the idea of giving the greatest amount of operators the broadest range of opportunities to make contacts. Please feel free to chime in with any suggestions or comments.
Hey brother, thanks for getting back to me, that was my only WDX contact this weekend. Heard several other members and 16LSB was alive! I did a three day camping trip on the middle fork of the Black River in Black, Missouri. I was on a gravel bar surrounded by hills and didn't figure I'd be able to get out.Anyone familiar with 561? I could barely hear him over the noise floor at around 4:00P.M. We made contact, but bleed-over was covering him up.
One barefoot station to another halfway across the country...I'll take it!Hey brother, thanks for getting back to me, that was my only WDX contact this weekend. Heard several other members and 16LSB was alive! I did a three day camping trip on the middle fork of the Black River in Black, Missouri. I was on a gravel bar surrounded by hills and didn't figure I'd be able to get out.
I'm still running my McKinley barefoot and will for quite some time. Too windy for my wire antenna up so I threw the telescopic on the roof and made contacts with you (barely), Washington, Maine, and Idaho. I mostly rode my ATV and arrowhead hunted though since it was like 70 degrees out lol. Great weekend!
Nebraska?? Shoot me a private message.Didn't have time to play radio today. To much happening here at the home front. Hope I will have some time to turn on the radio tomorrow.
Congrats to those who made some contacts today!
Message sent.Nebraska?? Shoot me a private message.