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Sparky CB Shack turning into Jerk...

So if he accidentally called some other shop then who did this dumbass really talk to? Lovely that it wasn't Sparky's but some other shop pissed him off. Let's talk about that.
Laying down the truth about Radioactive is exactly that. The truth. He does garbage work. Most know this, and the ones who don't will when they get their garbage.

According to his website he redesigns the transmit and receive! LMAO
So you are running around to different Forums tryng to destroy Sparkey's reputation because you felt he was short with you on the phone???? Give me a break....... Did you ever stop and think to yourself that maybe Sparkey was busy at the time, maybe he had customers waiting on him, maybe he had radios to peak and tune. Guy I wouldn't want you for a customer.:thumbdown:

If he would Hire more people and delegate .. then he wouldn't be so stretched out. and handle is business and customer service correctly If you were in business you may understand. he needs to understand the CUSTOMER signs the paychecks.. LOL
If he was Smart.

He should hire someone to help him, and Focus on all the BUSY phone calls people receive when they call. then when they do answer it is like "Hurry Up, I have another person who wants to spend Money"
So are you going to tell us who you actually called or just keep digging your hole deeper and deeper?
here is what he should do!! " Hello...this is ABC CB shop.. I am Happy to Take your order, but don't ask any questions.. I have 3 other people behind you that will not waste my time" ..LOL
He should hire someone to help him, and Focus on all the BUSY phone calls people receive when they call. then when they do answer it is like "Hurry Up, I have another person who wants to spend Money"

I ran my own business for 13 years rebuilding HP automatic transmissions by myself. There were times I was so stretched out and extremely busy that it was nuts. But I NEVER hired anyone else to take up some of the work.

Reason? The buck stopped with me. I was the only one that was responsible for the work. The customers wanted ME to do their work for them BECAUSE they trusted me implicitly. Not someone else. Sometimes they would have to wait a little - and I mean little - extra time because some issues would come up with some of the work ahead of them. That is just the way it is.

If Sparky is in a similar position with radios, then I can understand completely and don't hold a thing against him. When I bought a radio from Sparky a month ago or so, I bought it from him and wanted ONLY him to do the work.

I had many, many repeat customers because they loved the product and loved the prices. They came back for more and more and more. Sent their friends over - too. That is the best way to run a business like this - IMO. Not volumes of work with little or no quality control - but a smaller portion with all of the attention paid to the job that it both deserved and needed.
Work on, Sparky!
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It all boils down to how do you APPRECIATE your customers...being busy is NO EXCUSE.. would you rather have 10 customers with 50% pissed off or 7 customers and all happy? that is where I am coming from. The service with some of the CB Shack Web stores leave alot to be desired.. I just ordered from Wallcot and the service was sensational, awesome... emails answered, phone calls polite etc, etc, etc..

So, you are saying that he should send away most of his customers so that he can spend time chatting with the few who are left????

Makes perfect sense to me.:confused:
It all boils down to how do you APPRECIATE your customers...being busy is NO EXCUSE.. would you rather have 10 customers with 50% pissed off or 7 customers and all happy? that is where I am coming from. The service with some of the CB Shack Web stores leave alot to be desired.. I just ordered from Wallcot and the service was sensational, awesome... emails answered, phone calls polite etc, etc, etc..
Or would you appreciate a guy who takes his work seriously, as Sparky does. I can accept that he may be too busy to shoot the bull. I appreciate the fact that he does his work well and doesn't try to BS me. I can't stand it when shops make countless excuses and don't own up - too. Not a problem with ol Sparky...
i can only speak from my own experience from dealing with sparkys .

he has always answered my questions without making me feel he had something better or more important to do and each time ive ordered from him my stuff arrived promptly and safely packaged and ive been %100 happy with him . i would not hesitate to do business with him again .
All I am saying is that shop does GREAT work but friendlyness and not being in a HURRY is IMPORTANT.. Let's Drop it.. I will BUY from him again.. great tech work.. :D
Sarkys and Radioactive dont impress me much, i dont care for their style of tuning, or customer service. I deal with RollingRadios out of VA, nice guy, always has time for questions or custom work, puts a heck of a tune on any radio, and keeps you coming back

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