Our high school church group was out at Lake Dallas one fine Sunday for waterskiing. The adult church member with the tow boat had a heavy Vee-Hull and big V8 engine. He was easy enough on the girls, but on us, ha!
Most of us had plenty of experience with the various ways of getting dragged around by a boat, and some were VERY good in all of those. A lot of fun.
Well, at one point those of us back on shore waiting next turn (lamenting the lack of beer; we were legal and the church didn’t proscribe it, but the outing did) noticed a guy about 40-something backing a nice new open-bow 21’ down the ramp with an equally-new triple-black Fleetwood Cadillac.
Cadillacs were in an amazing abundance in Dallas in that era. Plenty of our fathers had them. Mercedes and all barely existed. That longer wheelbase model was nearest the top.
And we were (all of that group) MORE than familiar with launching boats. Bigger than what this guy had sometimes. Our Dad’s threw us the keys in those years and said to get it done. Take the rig for service. Get that boat off one lake and launch it at another lake, the rest of us will be there later. Get camp set up. Etc.
Boat trailers. Travel trailers. Stock trailers. A pretty good range of types. The lessons on each are still clearly etched.
Well, this Caddy Man was having trouble. We sort of watched from our football field distance without staring. His wife and kids weren’t help, they were hindrance. How far into the water was his problem.
It became too much. We put on our shirts and went over to offer to do the job for him. He ought to toss his wife & critters into that sampan and clamber in after them. We’d do the rest. (Any of us could do it blindfolded). Then park Black Beauty with trailer in the shade and wave them off to fun.
Hey (elbow jostle) we might even get a beer out of it.
And it won’t hurt we’ve got a few bikini lovelies tagging along.
I’ve rarely seen a guy act as offended as this guy. We were NOT expecting that reaction. Maybe a gradation of help on offer. (Nope. No, sir).
We went on back, the sun lower in the afternoon sky.
Y’all will just never guess
to the second how long
to the yard how far
a Cadillac Fleetwood will float.
Clue: The hood ornament will stay dry.
So, we swam out to the boat now drifting into the current, started it (three of us otherwise swimming it back) then took it around to the public dock so kin & kindred would hush up.
You know, I still can’t believe the way we even once took those bikinied girls for granted.
Had known some lifelong. Beauty, they possessed, and the sophistication to tailor — to a fine point — manners for any event. Hair all done up, or loosened and shaken free.
On our return those waiting gazes performed the thanks stoic duty doesn’t require. To say we’d have died in unquestioned defense of any of them doesn’t quite capture the tone of the teasing they gave us. Knowing it.
We’d only done as was expected of us.
Reassured that the (non) boating family was okay — and with faces averted from what was now past — the walk back became those little barbs aimed at us in light quiet laughter.

You already know the passengers I'd feel honored to chauffeur to church one fine Sunday morning. A beautiful spring day like today. Top down, and towards our promised future.
My best to you and yours this holiday.
May Laughter be the Light.
And the Quiet, as Music.
Our high school church group was out at Lake Dallas one fine Sunday for waterskiing. The adult church member with the tow boat had a heavy Vee-Hull and big V8 engine. He was easy enough on the girls, but on us, ha!
Most of us had plenty of experience with the various ways of getting dragged around by a boat, and some were VERY good in all of those. A lot of fun.
Well, at one point those of us back on shore waiting next turn (lamenting the lack of beer; we were legal and the church didn’t proscribe it, but the outing did) noticed a guy about 40-something backing a nice new open-bow 21’ down the ramp with an equally-new triple-black Fleetwood Cadillac.
Cadillacs were in an amazing abundance in Dallas in that era. Plenty of our fathers had them. Mercedes and all barely existed. That longer wheelbase model was nearest the top.
And we were (all of that group) MORE than familiar with launching boats. Bigger than what this guy had sometimes. Our Dad’s threw us the keys in those years and said to get it done. Take the rig for service. Get that boat off one lake and launch it at another lake, the rest of us will be there later. Get camp set up. Etc.
Boat trailers. Travel trailers. Stock trailers. A pretty good range of types. The lessons on each are still clearly etched.
Well, this Caddy Man was having trouble. We sort of watched from our football field distance without staring. His wife and kids weren’t help, they were hindrance. How far into the water was his problem.
It became too much. We put on our shirts and went over to offer to do the job for him. He ought to toss his wife & critters into that sampan and clamber in after them. We’d do the rest. (Any of us could do it blindfolded). Then park Black Beauty with trailer in the shade and wave them off to fun.
Hey (elbow jostle) we might even get a beer out of it.
And it won’t hurt we’ve got a few bikini lovelies tagging along.
I’ve rarely seen a guy act as offended as this guy. We were NOT expecting that reaction. Maybe a gradation of help on offer. (Nope. No, sir).
We went on back, the sun lower in the afternoon sky.
Y’all will just never guess
to the second how long
to the yard how far
a Cadillac Fleetwood will float.
Clue: The hood ornament will stay dry.
So, we swam out to the boat now drifting into the current, started it (three of us otherwise swimming it back) then took it around to the public dock so kin & kindred would hush up.
You know, I still can’t believe the way we even once took those bikinied girls for granted.
Had known some lifelong. Beauty, they possessed, and the sophistication to tailor — to a fine point — manners for any event. Hair all done up, or loosened and shaken free.
On our return those waiting gazes performed the thanks stoic duty doesn’t require. To say we’d have died in unquestioned defense of any of them doesn’t quite capture the tone of the teasing they gave us. Knowing it.
We’d only done as was expected of us.
Reassured that the (non) boating family was okay — and with faces averted from what was now past — the walk back became those little barbs aimed at us in light quiet laughter.

You already know the passengers I'd feel honored to chauffeur to church one fine Sunday morning. A beautiful spring day like today. Top down, and towards our promised future.
My best to you and yours this holiday.
May Laughter be the Light.
And the Quiet, as Music.
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