How is Mike misleading people? What exactly would you have done differently and be specific? I think this is a put up or shut up moment! LOL If you are not willing to be specific and give up some knowledge than you are just full of hot air. Real easy to bust someone's chops over something when you are not risking anything, giving any help or teaching anyone anything. It is kind of like that idiot preacher that predict the end times and when the date comes and goes they predict another end time etc....They never explain their methods they just keep making silly wild assertation and hoping people will buy it. It is kind of like a paper tiger or a processor that has never worked in the field he is teaching in academia.
So you ready to share some knowledge {being very specific }with us or just going to keep trash talking? LOL
I am guessing you charge more than Mike charged this guy just to put a radio on your bench not to actually do anything? Back in 1991 I think the shop I worked at in High School had a minimum $75 bench fee that covered the first hour of work etc....I think it was $45 an hour after that. I think an alignment for SSB radio was $65 minimum.
Don't you charge that much to cut bulk coax that customers send you and put two connectors on?