I couldn’t define reactance or capacitance. I’m not at all conversant with the tech side of the interest in DIY conversing at distance. Reactance can be capacitive or inductive.
Every field has a tech vocabulary. Weren’t you a wire-liner? Yes I was, Worked for Wellex for almost a year.When you are working with technology in the mud you invent some pretty nasty words. Some times the electronics just did not function like they should and depending on the location you could blame Aliens, The Rougarou , el Diablo, or even the skunk ape.
Literacy peaked in the 1920s. General literacy & comprehension. I’m a remnant. Was. No longer matters. No one reads, anyway. Even I’ve given up. I still read a lot because the movies in my head are better than a lot I see in the theaters. I read the book RELIC and was so disappointed in the movie.
I used that description just to play. I love word play and the wife and I enjoy each others puns.
Irked my son this morning in a text exchange. I do that all the time just to be sure he is listening.
I’m not so ill-mannered as to do more than (maybe) a tweak.No problem here.
As, given the purpose of this forum, I’m not even a well-adjusted child. But damned sure a curious one.I have never been well adjusted, it seems as soon as I am they move the point of normal.