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My 148 GTL-DX and my Robyn SB 520-D are both faves...My first radio was a TRC-459, now along with the Robyn and Cobra I have
Lafayette telsat 1240
Lafayette 525
Navajo 458
love my tube stuff have a collection of Trams and Brownings but my little Cobra Cam 88 tubie steals my heart sooooooo much audio with a Turner plus 2 desk mic and ears that match up with my Trams. i can't get enough of them have 4 so far. but my favorite solid state radio has to be a tie between my Cobra 135 XLR & Radio Shack TRC-457.
Also with the President Adams. Added Digiscan 2000 box so went from 26.000~28.000. Was top of the line SSB mobile of the line. Other time had a new FT 101 EX in the late 70's. Wouldn't mind having both of those back.
President Washington (5 pin mic), Cobra 1000GTL, and a few CPI 2000's. Very nice radios. Also had an old tube amp that was pretty nice - I think it was a 50 watter - don't remember what brand it was.
Still have a CPI - although I don't use it. I use my OmegaForce all of the time.
Still have the only 2 I ever bought Lafayette HE 20 C and a Lafayette HB525 which I have in the tow vehicle when we are on the road for traffic reports, have not talked much since no license status. Got my ham general ticket this year.
mine is the cobra 135xlr
I liked to look at all the cb books at the library when i was a kid and the always had the 135xlr and the pro stoner and the royce 642, ect.
Me and a buddy had the 23 channel 135's, which worked pretty good for us.
The 135xlr was like the stoner, nowhere to be found.
I finally got one off ebay for a wicked deal and i'll be keeping that till I die.
Same as the stoner, but that is super rare.
Coax question. I just put up a new Sirio monsoon base antenna with 100’ of rg8u coax testing with myMFJ antenna analyzer shows 1.4 swr at 26.965mhz and a 1.1 at 27.405 mhz . When I checked the ohms it’s steady a 30 ohms across the entire bandwidth.
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