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I forgot they still made those tubes till the late 80's. What output do you get from four of them?
I havent ran this older ampliier in years but 600 Watts depending what band you are on I didnt run it hard I ran it around 400 watts thats where I run all my HF ampliiers. Its a nic amplifier ror being a sweep tube unit.
Yes this particular ameritron is from the 1980s It actually used 4 6MJ6 tubes with 6lq6 being a direct replacement tube.

Not really.

If you're going to use 6LQ's in that thing, best to keep it at 450-500 watts PEP output, and about 75 watts AM carrier.

With 6MJs in it, it has about 30 percent more Pdiss than the 6LQ's... Also, if it came with the "RF Black Cap Double Strap Plate" connection tubes in it, you can increase efficiency by modifying the output network a bit... The difference in 6LQs and 6MJs is Cout and Pdiss... And it's NOT trivial... IE, the black cap tubes WON'T work in a D & A amp, or many others that used 6LQs without some tuning work on the output side (changing the coil turns / spacing).

If you get the option, GO WITH THE BLACK CAP TUBES, and run your amp as it says in the manual. The black cap tubes have 2 plate connections internally, increasing the cooling a WHOLE HEAPIN HELPIN (like, more than double!!!), so they last LONG time. They also have a 40 some watt Pdiss because of that, whereas the regular 6MJs had a 35 or 38, and the 6LQs where at 28-33, depending on mfg and cooling design. These numbers are going from memory, so I could be off a watt or two, but you see the reasoning for lower output figures when going to the 6LQ tubes now. They REALLY aren't the same tube, just the same pinout.

When I got the amplifier it had the 6LQ6 tubes in it. If I can find the 6MJ6 tubes that belong in it thats what Ill most likely do. I was going to have this thing altered to take the newer style tubes but it was pretty pricey and Ide rather buy a new amplifier for that matter instead of shoving that kind of money into this older amplifier.

Ilike this little amplifier its compact in size looks good and (worked great when it worked ) before storing it I have to decide what I want to do or how far I want to go into this project unless I just sell it the caps all look good only issue was the diode failing after blowing the dust out of it so Im thinking it was moisture from air compressor or a hair peice of wire came loose and shorted who knows what happen because it worked before blowing it out as I do with all my equipment..
Not really.

If you're going to use 6LQ's in that thing, best to keep it at 450-500 watts PEP output, and about 75 watts AM carrier.

With 6MJs in it, it has about 30 percent more Pdiss than the 6LQ's... Also, if it came with the "RF Black Cap Double Strap Plate" connection tubes in it, you can increase efficiency by modifying the output network a bit... The difference in 6LQs and 6MJs is Cout and Pdiss... And it's NOT trivial... IE, the black cap tubes WON'T work in a D & A amp, or many others that used 6LQs without some tuning work on the output side (changing the coil turns / spacing).

If you get the option, GO WITH THE BLACK CAP TUBES, and run your amp as it says in the manual. The black cap tubes have 2 plate connections internally, increasing the cooling a WHOLE HEAPIN HELPIN (like, more than double!!!), so they last LONG time. They also have a 40 some watt Pdiss because of that, whereas the regular 6MJs had a 35 or 38, and the 6LQs where at 28-33, depending on mfg and cooling design. These numbers are going from memory, so I could be off a watt or two, but you see the reasoning for lower output figures when going to the 6LQ tubes now. They REALLY aren't the same tube, just the same pinout.


Do you mean the actual cap (connection) top being black? Because I have a couple of M's (RCA's) that have black caps they are taller and skinnier than M's I have with shiny caps, also RCA's. I thought the difference was just when made but wondered if there might be other differences.
Tony, please don't take this wrong. But you have an amp made by a company still in business where as many other companies have gone out of business and ," you don't know where to send it"? Do you think this company stayed in business by doing people wrong or charging to much? And who better to look at what you got than the people that built it? Thats what they do every day. I'm not saying there are not others out there that may can do this job maybe cheaper and even better. But finding them is one thing. I would think that if anyone the original company might do a better job. And though it may be more than others I'm sure it would be fixed right and carry some warranty. Will the others you look for offer this.
Do you mean the actual cap (connection) top being black? Because I have a couple of M's (RCA's) that have black caps they are taller and skinnier than M's I have with shiny caps, also RCA's. I thought the difference was just when made but wondered if there might be other differences.


Not only that, if you look at the physical connections, you'll notice the "black cap" tubes also have TWO wires coming down to make the connection to the actual anode element inside the tube.


Not only that, if you look at the physical connections, you'll notice the "black cap" tubes also have TWO wires coming down to make the connection to the actual anode element inside the tube.


Yea they have wire (rod) thicker than paper clip in C shape open end down and the two wires leaving closed end to cap. Regular ones have thin strip metal making like a M to connect to cap I had thought these were update of the other. Good to know the real story thanks.
1. I was told that Ameritron would not deal with this older amplifier Some others had told me that they should still repair it I will check into that.

2. I am not sure what Ameritron has for a turn around time (how long they would have to keep it there) Again I can find this out.

3. It makes no difference where this goes its going to cost money although Ide be willing to bet theres businesses or people as you have also said unrelated to Ameritron that will do the work for a bit less.

I have to call Ameritron today to find out if they will indeeed repair this oldie but a goodie sweep tuber and find out what they charge per hour. ;ogically if its going to cost me $500.00 - $600.00 Ide be better off buying a new Amplifier like the 811. I was just looking for ideas or suggestions here. I hope this clears it up.
Just called Ameritron and they told me they really dont do anything with these older amplifiers as I though!!!! I talked to John in the service department and he said if I wanted to send it in they have 1 guy that can possibly go over the amp and trouble shoot it as an estimate kind of thing because they are limited on what they can do with it.

He said the guy can trouble shoot it and tell me what parts I need and maybe try fixing it myself this is why I posted this here looking for other options!!! I been through this before with older equipment I knew and after being told they most likely wouldnt deal with these (They most likely wouldnt.)

Well back to the drawing board I guess or Ill part it out on the internet if need be or make a nifty plant holder or ashtray for company LOL!!
I just called Burghardt Amateur repair and Jim says yupp we can take care of that and hes pretty sure its a bad tube because thats the number one symptom of that Diode going "an arcing tube" as he said. He also said they have replacement caps which are better because they had problems with the caps failing in these which I would have thos changed out right away.

Bad news is that he said I wont find 6MJ6 tubes which is a better tube than 6LQ6 tubes but he was telling me when these 6LQ6 were first made they costed about $2.00 a peice that made me sick but I laughed. There hourly rate was the same as Ameritron but Burghardt has all the parts on hand I just need to purchase the tubes and send them to them.
Carl has never charged me more than $30 and parts to fix amp. You might have to hunt a lot to find 4 matched NOS black cap 6MJ6's but could easily get regular 6MJ6's though.
Finding a matched quad set of 6mj6 is not gonna happen I am not sure if Im even gonna find a new matched set if any set of new 6LQ6 the ones io seen advertised recently are gone!!!
I was only looking for three matching M's got four for $85 delivered (although guess it wouldn't hurt to have the driver same as well). Will start looking for spare set now either L's or M's.
Ill have to start looking aswell I was actually sitting here today thinking about how many people right now have tubes like this in there attic, basement or garage and have no clue what the hell there for or how many people threw them out over the years not knowing what they even were.

I was also thinking how much money a company would make i they would start making some of these more popular tubes again but we know we will never see that happen. I thought about getting into the tube business years back and should have I used to see surplus of tubes for sale here and there now days it wouldnt even be worth it unless you were into the new high dollar tubes and there wouldnt be any promise in that either.

Owell so the hunt goes on I often thought about finding another Palomar 350Z but it also uses these 6LQ6 tubes and after messing with my old Ameritron I dont think I can even look at another old sweep tube amplifier. I should really just part my Ameritron AL-84 out and get rid of the headaches. Its a shame because it doesnt need much but tubes alone are a pain to track down atleast new ones anyways.

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