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Omega Force S 45 HP problem

So I hear the 257HP and the last run of the Omega Force are now out of production....what's the word as far as if tech service is still required?

I have a 257HP but it doesn't have much use.
Just talked to Sam Lewis last week seems there is a run of 257HP radios to hit the market this week. He didn't say much about the Omegas but did say he was not a big fan of SMT but seems with most of the manfactures there isn't much choice but for now there are a bunch of Omega radios in stock at sellers and the 257HP will be there this week. Sam Lewis owner of RF Limited is a very honest man if he sold you a radio today and you sent in the warranty papers the warranty will be honered as long as it says it is good for. Sam is not a crook and will never be along with the rest of his family, so buying anything Magnum new with papers will not be an issue at all. If you need to verify this just call him at 877-624-6869 and hear it from the horses mouth. Sam and his family were the original Palomar people, AR 3300 AR3500 all those old tube amps and now RF Limited with the Magnum Radio line. They will be around for a long time I am sure making radio that we all want.
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Just talked to Sam Lewis last week seems there is a run of 257HP radios to hit the market this week. He didn't say much about the Omegas but did say he was not a big fan of SMT but seems with most of the manfactures there isn't much choice but for now there are a bunch of Omega radios in stock at sellers and the 257HP will be there this week. Sam Lewis owner of RF Limited is a very honest man if he sold you a radio today and you sent in the warranty papers the warranty will be honered as long as it says it is good for. Sam is not a crook and will never be along with the rest of his family, so buying anything Magnum new with papers will not be an issue at all. If you need to verify this just call him at 877-624-6869 and hear it from the horses mouth. Sam and his family were the original Palomar people, AR 3300 AR3500 all those old tube amps and now RF Limited with the Magnum Radio line. They will be around for a long time I am sure making radio that we all want.

We want the AR 3500 back but with a tighter front end.:tongue:
Well that is good news. Guess I need to start using my 257HP a little more often. I would like to see the Omegaforce come back better than ever.
I think I'm having some of the same
problems my radio sounds awsome
on am but side band sounds raspy
had to get volume knob replaced and
this radio is only about a month old
echo controll seems to go crazy every
so often but the ssb stuff is really getting
to me cause the reports I read were good
ones so I went with that radio so I really
don't know.
I think I'm having some of the same
problems my radio sounds awsome
on am but side band sounds raspy
had to get volume knob replaced and
this radio is only about a month old
echo controll seems to go crazy every
so often but the ssb stuff is really getting
to me cause the reports I read were good
ones so I went with that radio so I really
don't know.

Where did you buy it from and what has been done to it tune wise? Reason being that radio should be rock stable on ssb. If the clarifier is is unlocked or modded wrong the radio will drift.
I got the radio from copper electronics
I paid for the align and tune now what
they did don't know exactly so thats
about the extent of that but I wish there
was something that I can do before I send
it off again for the second time the first
was for the volume knob and it took about
1 month so really don't want to send off.
Copper is famous for crappy tunes. Your radio will continue to sound like crap until you get a factory spec alignment.

When you send it back, just tell them to reverse the Copper tune. They'll know what to do.

I got mine stock of ebay, still have slight raspy SSB audio. I'll send it off eventually.
Scorpion make sure it goes to the Radio Shop in Ontairo Calif. Chris Holland is the Magnum man. Also make sure you enclose a letter of what is wrong and tape it to the radio case exactly how you use the radio and what it's doing. He does his best to fix it and has a lot of experience but he needs to know exactly what your complaining about to repair it properly. Guess you should call Magnum first and get an RMA number from Sam Lewis so there won't be any warranty issues. Sorry to hear you paid Copper for anything but the radio. I don't think I would let them fix my bicycle yet along a radio.
Copper is famous for crappy tunes. Your radio will continue to sound like crap until you get a factory spec alignment.

When you send it back, just tell them to reverse the Copper tune. They'll know what to do.

I got mine stock of ebay, still have slight raspy SSB audio. I'll send it off eventually.
Don't think I'd bother with Copper to tune it; think I'd send it to Chris Holland @ 'The Radio Shop' instead.

M42; there is an adjustment trim pot inside the stock Magnum mic if that is what you are using. You can turn it down a tad if it is too high and distorting. I use one and it gets great reports - especially for a stock mic . . .
I got the radio from copper electronics
I paid for the align and tune now what
they did don't know exactly so thats
about the extent of that but I wish there
was something that I can do before I send
it off again for the second time the first
was for the volume knob and it took about
1 month so really don't want to send off.

Well....... it could be worse, you could have said Radiohacktive Radio's I guess. Copper & H&Y are what I call a necessary evil, ya just gotta buy some things from them from time to time.

When it comes to a tuneup, I wouldn't let Copper touch my toaster much less a radio. Sorry about your luck. Send it to the Magnum repair center as stated and they will get it straight.
Scorpion make sure it goes to the Radio Shop in Ontairo Calif. Chris Holland is the Magnum man. Also make sure you enclose a letter of what is wrong and tape it to the radio case exactly how you use the radio and what it's doing. He does his best to fix it and has a lot of experience but he needs to know exactly what your complaining about to repair it properly. Guess you should call Magnum first and get an RMA number from Sam Lewis so there won't be any warranty issues. Sorry to hear you paid Copper for anything but the radio. I don't think I would let them fix my bicycle yet along a radio.

I don't know about "The Radio Shop" guys...That's where Sam Lewis had me send mine...and I did what Sam told me to do, and stick a letter in the box explaining what all was wrong with it, and once they looked at the radio, all they did was do a alignment...which it "may have needed" but was not what was wrong with the radio..

Then once I got it back, and it still wasn't fixed, I called them on the phone, and that's when they told me all they had done was a alignment.

Mine went back and four times to The Radio Shop over a 5 month period and never did get fixed right... Last time it went to the shop, once I got it back, I didn't even open the box, I just stuck a new mailing label on it and sent it back to the shop I bought it from and told them to get whatever they could for it, because I was done with it... Since it would now be considered a "Used Radio" I wasn't expecting to get a full-refund, but anything would be better than just keep pouring more money into shipping trying to get it fixed.

Guess they still have it, since I never did get anything in return...:whistle:
I had a similar episode with an 257HP. It went back and forth, but Sam sent me UPS pickup labels, all on his nickel.

He must have been in a good mood for those few weeks.

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