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Alpha 10 Max AM-1000 Overview

very impressive features . really looking forward to your comments on its TX and RX quality . does this radio have any issues with white noise like the 29xx series and 257s have had ?
what kind of warranty does it come with ?
Great review sir! Lookin forward to the updated review. PA audio must be routed to the ext spkr jack I'm assuming? Useless IMO but it wouldnt be the 1st time I've seen it done like that! Any idea what the price may be in the U.S.? Keep up the good work CB Mag :)
Very nice review. I liked it!

The radio also doesn't have the CTCSS device for 10 repeater use. Or if it does - I didn't see it in the review. Its ability to do CW and SSB on 10m can be made complete if it had such a function.

Talked to Sam Lewis a few minutes ago about this very same radio in review here. He told me that they are going to come out with their own version of it with several software upgrades. Seems he wan't too keen on them as they were from that mfr. He will also be using his own output devices for a 100 watt output. SO I would wait for their upgrades and product before Sam sends me one to review it.

Some things about this radio I did like; other things about it were just a little bit 'funky' to me.
I would have shut off the channel display instead of the LCD screen - for one. That just makes more sense to me. There are others; but I will wait until I get my hands on one to check it out. I really like the fact that it has a USB port on the chassis. Sam tells me that the radio they are working on - similar to this model - will have an EXTERNAL USB port. As opposed to having to take the cover off each time you want to change something. This may well be the first "quasi" SDR ("software dependent radio") Export radio that will be seen on the US markets. Hook it to your computer and operate frequency and other functions from your laptop. This is the wave of the future of CB radio, so get on that bus when that happens. Will happen sooner than I anticipated. I suggested to Sam that in the near future, the USB port can also be used to provide mic PTT and perhaps an EQ with software emulation too. Since quality audio is also a part of the future in CB radio as well . . .

That was a VERY complete and factual account/review of this radio. Very nicely done!
Thanks CBRadioMagazine - for your insight and video demonstration.
[...] Talked to Sam Lewis a few minutes ago about this very same radio in review here. He told me that they are going to come out with their own version of it with several software upgrades. Seems he wan't too keen on them as they were from that mfr. He will also be using his own output devices for a 100 watt output. SO I would wait for their upgrades and product before Sam sends me one to review it.
Very, very, very interesting information!!! Thanks for the heads up.
"Still testing the audio and output to see what I think but here's an overview of the radio's functions.

"That was a VERY complete and factual account/review of this radio. Very nicely done!"

LOL he isn't finished , hes also gonna test and report on the tx and rx . ;)
apparently his review will be a bit more complete than youre expecting . :)

hey rob will you be buying your review radio , sending it back or will you get to keep it for free or at a discount ?
From what i just read from Robb, Sam wants to install a usb port. Wow instead of taking the cover off you can upgrade and probably tune the radio right from your computer. What will they think of next. It is a 24 hr. job keeping up with today's technology.
i liked the way the clarifer shifted either tx or rx or both. also
liked seeing the standard 3 pin power cord and 4 pin mike .
didnt like the fact there was apin that was hot. also would
like to see a mike gain knob or at LEAST a button like the 2510,s
do away with the echeo and put mike gain there. most use the
2018 extreme these days anyway.robb can ya pass this down to
mr. sam lewis. see what he thinks. there could be some improvments
made to the alpha that he could incorporate and add a more
useful feature like mic gain and do away with a less usefull one like echeo
I'm working on the written review but I thought I'd give you guys an idea of what I think so far.


- Awesome looking at night (Yes it has three different colors but I've had it in the mobile for a couple of days and it really lights up nice for use, maybe not pretty but very visible and not overly bright)
- Receiver is nice, quiet and sensitive. Had no trouble hearing anyone and it worked very well in the mobile.
- SSB audio and swing are good. Not as loud as my RCI-2950DX or Magnum 257HP but reports came back as clear (and with the EC-2018 people said the audio sounded really good).
- Frequency stability is spot on much like a 2950
- Tons of options to play around with
- Software works well and you can program it from the computer


- Radio has very little swing on AM. Audio is below average and muffled
- I turned up the modulation inside and added a power microphone and it just won't swing like most other exports on AM and audio remains muffled even with a power microphone. I've talked to someone else and they reported the same thing and that another party is trying to work out a NPC mod. My impressions are that it may make it sound better but the radio still won't be anything special on AM. Maybe if Sam Lewis add's a Top Gun Compressor and Modulator to their version they can get some more life out of it.
- Output is average for an export, after tuning it still isn't doing the watts (AM or SSB) of a newer style (Black Face) 2950DX.
- Talkback is quiet and no variable (seems to be always on with my radio and another person said theirs is only on when echo is on?)
- No microphone gain
- Stock mike is okay but nasal sounding
- SSB carrier balance out of wack from factory, high spurious emission, needed adj

So what you'll read in my review in more detail is the following -

Cool radio because of the features and programming. Everything works well and very cool to customize for your own use. They finally are starting to make clarifiers more like what we want to see.

As a barefoot SSB radio it definitely works well and with an aftermarket mike sounds good. If you run a lot of AM you won't want this radio at all.

If you run amps you probably won't want this radio - it definitely doesn't drive them as well as other export models, although if you are someone who likes to drive amps lightly on SSB it might be a choice.

Overall I think it's a very cool radio and I love what we are starting to see for options. And while the receive is nice and the radio is a breeze to use, when it comes to actually "talking" on a radio for DX or trying to make that far off contact I'd choose a 2510, 2950, Magnum 257 over this radio any day. It doesn't quite stack up to other exports in terms of audio or output/swing. The freq stability is there which is great but without the talk power I just wouldn't make it my main rig. Fun one to keep in the shack, but not the holy grail yet :) If it had mic gain, better AM audio and acted more like a RCI-2950 in terms of output and swing it probably would have become my daily talker.

Also important to note - no warranty, no technical support, and no customer service. There isn't an actual U.S. company putting their brand name on these, they are being imported by distributors so if your radio dies....you are SOL.
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