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More and more CB radios turning up at hamfeast.

Just got invited to my first CB swap! Fun time! Door prizes! Free food! alot of radios! Held twice a year by the "Hacksaw Club" in middle Tennessee.... (y)
They even had a dealer with all his wares in the back of a truck, at least six or seven tables and a bunch of tailgaters!
I meet several HAMs there and a few tables had some sort of amateur gear for sale and not only the Yeasu ft-101Es....
Almost bought a Magnum mobile.... :unsure:
I guessed there must had been over 65 radio ops and their better halfs with "harmonics" there and all were friendly even with their "you-alls"! :D

And not a computer in sight! Not even a doily!! :p

Just got invited to my first CB swap! Fun time! Door prizes! Free food! alot of radios! Held twice a year by the "Hacksaw Club" in middle Tennessee.... (y)
They even had a dealer with all his wares in the back of a truck, at least six or seven tables and a bunch of tailgaters!
I meet several HAMs there and a few tables had some sort of amateur gear for sale and not only the Yeasu ft-101Es....
Almost bought a Magnum mobile.... :unsure:
I guessed there must had been over 65 radio ops and their better halfs with "harmonics" there and all were friendly even with their "you-alls"! :D

And not a computer in sight! Not even a doily!! :p


Hey Mechanic. I am in North East Alabama, wish I had known about this meet. Do they hold it the same time every year? Post it up the next time it is going to happen, I might try to load up some of my "Lowly, less than Worthy" CB equipment and see if anyone wants to buy some of it.
My motto when dealing in CB equipment has always been "Buy high, Sell Low" :LOL:
My .02

A radio is a radio... CD/HAM, same technology just used differently.

If I was to draw stereo types like some posters.. I would be able to make this assumtion (which would obviously be soo very wrong).

1. All CB owners drink Coors Lite, Watch NASCAR and live in Trailer parks
2. All HAM owners are geeks sitting in their parents garage talking to people over the air because noone will be their friend at school.

I USED to peg a guy driving down the middle of downtown Los Angeles with 5 antennas on the back of his 80's corolla as a complete nerd. Turns out I might just be joining the ranks of the HAM/CB crew myself...

I would think a HAM/CB swap meet/show would have nothing but communication electronics... and nothing relating to homemade quilts and other meaningless baubles.
I think if you go over to QRZ you'll notice many hams use CBs for travel as it's hard to hit a repeater many times when traveling. Even CWM uses one for traffic. Some even have one at home and keep in touch with local friends that are not hams. There could be different reasons they are being sold at the fests . I think it needs to be put in perspective rather than treating it like someone is selling pot at a pharmaceutical show . I think it harsh to call cbers trashy. Again ,many hams still use them . Are they "trashy" because of it ? I find it interesting that you went from being disturbed about the product being sold to degrading the people that might use those products . It makes me wonder which is your real beef . The product or the person that uses them ?
I would just chill and enjoy the things that interest you while there to shop. It would be no different than other service radios being sold such as SW, FRS/GMRS, Marine. They are 2way communication devices .
Hey Mechanic. I am in North East Alabama, wish I had known about this meet. Do they hold it the same time every year? Post it up the next time it is going to happen, I might try to load up some of my "Lowly, less than Worthy" CB equipment and see if anyone wants to buy some of it.
My motto when dealing in CB equipment has always been "Buy high, Sell Low" :LOL:

Next one is in September sometime and as soon as I find out I'll post it here... It is a twice a year thing! (y)
I'll miss the next one but next spring..... :D

Last hamfest I went to I didnt see that much CB stuff for sale but it wouldnt have made any difference to me. I was looking for Ham gear.

BTW try being a NCT or NCG in the Ham world. You guys think Hams look down on CB'ers. If you dont know code you arent fit to live in some OF's opinion.

Reminds me of the last Hamfeast I was at huge crazy it was in the next town over from mine at my parents house it was EASTER SUNDAY the biggest Hamfeast yet I dont know if it will ever be topped.

I was stuffed there was tons of CB (CranBerries) there I sure HAD MY FILL I am now also a major user of CB (CranBerries) Ok with all Hamfeasts aside I dont let that stuff get to me its like yelling because your neighbors wait to long to mow there grass it will not change and if I dont care for it or like it I dont look at it then it dont bother me.

As far as Im concerned its a sensless war us Amatuer Operators are supposed prick and the CB (Citizens Band) people are ignorant idiots it an ongoing thing but funny thing we all started there at CB well 98% did. Funny thing is I still talk to people on 11 meters here and there I have no problem with it I mean hell most I talk to are Ham Operators as I am but we been talking on 37 lower sideband since the 1990s we have a big group and we have weekend campouts etc were not all Amatuer Operators because some are just content with 11 meters there not hurting anyone.

I say let them sell there stuff they help pay the prices for tables to keep the damn things running it all takes money and its all green money no matter where it or who it comes from. In this economy we need all the help we can get at times.
"51 years young, started in CB in the 60's when my father got into it. Later "Got my ticket" and became a Ham. Let the ham license lapse for just this reason. I got into radio because it was fun to communicate. The only problem I had was once I became "one of the elite", they started pressuring me to sever ties with my "CB Trash" friends. Don't want to belong to that exclusive a group. Still got lot's of Ham friends but I guess I will just have to be happy being part of the lower life form known as a CB'er.
Read my signature.
I try to live it every day.
Let's talk and have some fun.
73's to all you Hams, and for you CB'ers, Keep the shiny side up and the dirty side down, "Pump it Up"

Well put...

"I did not say all CB'ers are trashy. But a lot of the ones I knew were. Many of them did not work they got welfare, food stamps, and there house looked like a dump. A few wanted bigger and better things and they moved on. The CB'ers that moved on became well respective Hams. There is a class difference between the two."

Interesting....I never noticed how as you put it so many CBers were on unemployment or welfare ( i doubt either can afford the hobby of CB or Ham radio)..

I do agree there is a "perceived" class difference between ham and CB ( i think from those un-willing to let go and move forward)...

"Just so you will know I started out as a CB'er too. I had a Midland 13-874 8 ch CB. When is was 14. Moved up to a Navaho 23 ch, then hit the big time with a Midland 13-880 B 23 ch with SSB. I also DX short wave and that's when I knew. Ham radio was the way to go."

wow...a 8 channel CB...lol
i forget the model of my 1st cb ( i didnt consider it a true cb given it was only a listen to 23 channels and only able to talk one 1 channel)...but then my parents got me a Realistic Navaho TRC23a
and well..then i was hooked...lol..

Eventually climbing to rank of ham radio ( but only because a friend had failed 4 times his tech test...so i remade a test apointment..then with 1 hour before exam taught him what he needed to know to pass tech exam and since i was there took and passed tech exam myself..

I used to hate Ham people...by me at time ( in early 80's were a bunch of dummies by me who were let me say..not good representitives of ham radio..lol ) but..

once i did grudgedly took and passed the tech exam..
well never looked back...and well...as many ham people know..
the buying equipment never ends ( LOL )

However...Now at least i know...
That although there are many dummies in CB and ham radio.
That there are many good people in Both cb and ham radio

How many ham forums constantly put down cb
How many cb forums put down ham radio

At least here..this forum is indeed pen minded and understands
it is not persay CB or Ham...but rather a 2 way communications hobby and emergency awareness service that all CB/Ham/MURS/FRS/GMRS users enjoy and offer our communities
Well, despite his harsh way of expressing a valid point this has certainly brought about some good discussion. Most are aware of where this arguement comes from, and I would say if these CB vendors are simply selling unmodded (legal) equipment, and no amps then I don't see a problem at a Hamfest, because the point of being a ham is playing by the rules. CB should be a stepping stone towards a Ham License not a stumbling block. Some one who enjoys CB should want to move up to Ham radio so they can legally and politely enjoy long distant communications. CB is looked down upon because of it's lack of respect for others operating in and around these frequencies, and this is what needs to be address.

Well, despite his harsh way of expressing a valid point this has certainly brought about some good discussion. Most are aware of where this arguement comes from,
CB is looked down upon because of it's lack of respect for others operating in and around these frequencies, and this is what needs to be address.

And there we have it folks.
When you sign for your amateur radio license, you are essentially signing an agreement/ contract that you WILL abide by the rules of the FCC. Not just ham radio, but the rules of coordinated radio in general. In return for your awareness and adherence to the rules, you get expanded privileges.
If you sign on the line and continue to break the rules by running power where you are not supposed to, using un-certified equipment on bands requiring its use, then you are not doing ham radio any favors with your presence.

That is why there is such animosity among the OF's and others.
It is not because they think you're trash, it is because you are not living up to an agreement you made in exchange for operating in a service with a long standing tradition of respect for the rules.

The more people try to justify breaking the rules, the worse this division will be.
It is not because they think you're trash, it is because you are not living up to an agreement you made in exchange for operating in a service with a long standing tradition of respect for the rules.

Kind of like a Priest that molest Alter Boys.
And there we have it folks.
When you sign for your amateur radio license, you are essentially signing an agreement/ contract that you WILL abide by the rules of the FCC. Not just ham radio, but the rules of coordinated radio in general. In return for your awareness and adherence to the rules, you get expanded privileges.
If you sign on the line and continue to break the rules by running power where you are not supposed to, using un-certified equipment on bands requiring its use, then you are not doing ham radio any favors with your presence.

That is why there is such animosity among the OF's and others.
It is not because they think you're trash, it is because you are not living up to an agreement you made in exchange for operating in a service with a long standing tradition of respect for the rules.

The more people try to justify breaking the rules, the worse this division will be.

Yes, this is part of the reason, but it's not the whole reason. This reason does not account for the constant belittling of other radio services by some hams because the others appear to be or are less educated in the radio disciplines. This doesn't excuse the constant CB jargon bashing. Let's talk straight here...as an extra class ham and CBer, a lot of the ham jargon is just as retarded. The reasons for belittling others is not because of those that break rules, because the belittling is done with a wide brush that paints all CBers in the same class as the most blatent law breakers. This belittling isn't done by all or probably even most, but it's done frequently enough that it has become a stereotype of ham radio. And when it's done in print on the internet in public forums, it lasts forever for everyone to see.

The other problem with that "reason" is that it is largely a justification that is not applied to all aspects of the personal lives of those who use it. In other words...many people speak out of both sides of their mouths. When you obtain and sign for your driver's license, you agree to operate your vehicle in accordance with ALL of the vehicle codes. Does anyone do that? No...they pick and choose which codes that they want to abide by. Whether this is done as a conscious decision, or just from negligence, it still is breaking the law. In more serious parts of life people make these same types of decisions every day with their employers (when you work for someone, you are agreeing to abide by certain employer, state, and federal rules), with their spouses (marriage contract), and with their religion. Many of the those that decry the decision to ignore certain FCC laws within the CB bands are the same people that do the exact same thing in most other parts of their life, and we all see it and know it. The hypocracy is obvious to all except those that are the worst offenders.

Worse yet, some of these same folks go out of their way to play "radio cop" on bands that their amateur license has no "self policing" or authority over. Let's be very clear on this point: Your Amateur License does not give you the authority to "police" CB frequencies, MURS, GMRS, Business band, supposed "freeband", MARS, CAP, NASCAR, McDonalds, Wal-Mart or any other frequencies that are assigned outside the Amateur Radio spectrum. The only time your Amateur license gives you authorization to get involved in such enforcement is when those other services are interfering with your Amateur Radio station or frequencies. To those that feel like they have some type of duty to police the entire radio spectrum, I ask them how they would like it if others took the same course of action toward them in all other areas of their life?

All that said, I do think it is healthy to educate others on what the laws are in these hobbies and what the consequences may be for breaking them. However, educating is a lot different than belittling or wearing your Amateur license like a badge. Educate, promote, have fun, and let people make their own decisions. They're going to make their own decisions anyway, so it's a lot easier to accept that and move on.

Getting upset at CB stuff, illegal or otherwise at a hamfest? Not worth the anxiety. How about the same people getting upset at illegal cb stuff that also have GPS devices or ham radio gear attached to their dashes or stuck to the windshield? That's also a violation of most State's vehicle codes that clearly state that there are not to be any obstructions of the windshield. Maybe we should start inviting the Highway Patrol to the parking lots of hamfests just to make a point.

Lastly, I think everyone just just relax a bit on this whole topic.

After all, it's all just a hobby.
So WHY is this "division" there? And it can't even be discussed politely. If the hams object to illegal activity (and most of them vehemently object to illegal operations within their own ranks, much less that of the 11 Meter outlaws) On the one hand, the CB operators either wink at, agree with, tolerate, or othewise overlook the "extra" channels, the splattering amplifiers, the over-modulation (Swing;) ), the tampering with and "tuning" of radios that don't NEED "tuning" to start with, and many hams, the upstanding ones, at least, find no NEED for this simply because their rules permit experimentation and the building of equipment so long as it operates within the rules of the Service. Part 95 prohibits ANY tampering with CB radios, and how many people have even READ those rules? Who knows? And, surely, the hams find an unlicensed operator chatting on 10 Meters and report such findings, and they are branded as "uppity", snooty, or "elitists". He is a "snitch", but the same CB operator that just got finished talking illegally on 28.085 AM would dial 911 if he found an intruder in his house and think, "I am NOT a snitch" for calling the cops! Double standard? You BETCHA!!!! :laugh: We want rules to apply to the OTHER fella, but we want to WINK at them when it suits OUR purpose.
But they are, flawed as they may be in ones OWN opinion, designed to apply to ALL and prevent interference to others.

So, yeah, some hams DO take the division to extremes, some MOCK (and this is their way of finding relief from an insurmountable problem where illegal equipment and operators create problems for them), It's frustration at seeing tables full of illegal amplifiers at hamfests and so-called "10 Meter 'amateur' Radios" proudly displayed, tables weighted DOWN with illlegal radios that the frustated ham knows will likely either end up ON 10/12 Meters (Bu-bu-bu, Mr. FCC agent I didn't KNOW I couldn't talk on them channels............................... :unsure: ). To CBers, accustomed to lax rules, or NO rules at all, the hams seem, at the least, too strait-laced or too concerned with "rules" and, it comes off as "uppity" or "snooty". But, in truth, the citizen of the US (and other countries, too) has the SAME privilege of testing and receiving the same privileges granted under the Amateur license, and the RESPONSIBILITY to obey the rules of both services as written, just as he does when driving his car or truck. PART 95, US Code is written for a common carrier, public service two-way radio outlet with no "hobby" provisions. Thus it has NO leeway for
modifications, or changes to equipment to either enhance distance or "loudness, or to "compete" with Amateur Radio as a "hobby". It just so happens our government has decided not to put a huge amount of money into enforcement of something that shouldn't be causing trouble to start with! :D OTH, the Amateur Service rules (Part 97) is where one is SUPPOSED to be exercizing his "hobby" aspirations. The rules are actually pretty lenient, preventing much interference while allowing the operator much freedom in operating his station. And that, too, is cause for frustration for some hams who see the flaunting of CB rules as unfair to them because they, after all, had to test for their privileges and are held to a higher standard of behavior. It cuts MANY ways, and no matter WHAT we say, both sides will argue.


I've never heard of a ham getting labeled as "snooty" for reporting interference or illegal use to the ham bands. If you're talking on 28.085Mhz unlicensed , a ham has ever right and responsibilty to report that action. However, a ham has no responsibility to report what is happening on non-ham bands. Do they have a right to do so? Sure, anyone can report illegal activity for anything. Just like someone can call the Highway Patrol for the missing front license plate, or the GPS in the windshield, etc.

We've had this discussion about the use of the word "hobby" before, but for the benefit of those that haven't seen it...

The government does not have the priviledge of creating the definitions of words in the english language. CB is a hobby, whether or not part 95 cares to acknowledge it.

hob⋅by1 /ˈhɒb
i/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [hob-ee] Show IPA
–noun, plural -bies. 1.an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation:

CB is as it is used today is a hobby. Possibly the only people that still use it for it's original intended purpose are truckers and some off-roaders.

Thus it has NO leeway for modifications, or changes to equipment to either enhance distance or "loudness, or to "compete" with Amateur Radio as a "hobby".

That has nothing to do with the definition of the word "hobby". Amateur Radio is a radio hobby service that allows modifications. CB is a radio service that does not allow modifications. That doesn't mean it doesn't still fall under the definition of the word "hobby". Your argument on this point falls subject to the coincidental correlation logic fallacy.

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