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More CBers than Hams

Dallas: Better check your facts again...Cb Band (Legal) is not even 500kc wide...
General Class 75m Band is 2 Megacycles wide 3.8-4.0 MHz...and that is only the phone band...add the CW/Digital section and it's even larger.
All the Best

Better check your figures above. You left out a decimal point. Should be 0.2 MHz wide.
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Dallas: Better check your facts again...Cb Band (Legal) is not even 50kc wide...
General Class 75m Band is .2 MHz wide (200 kc) 3.8-4.0 MHz...and that is only the phone band...add the CW/Digital section and it's even larger.
All the Best
Yes had to edit (I am really getting old):ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Living on pain killers and nerve blockers till surgery next month is getting even older:whistle::confused:

PS: My QTH: Central Indiana
This morning I was chatting with friends from
60 miles away...
another 200m NE of Ottawa, Ontario Canada
another Norfolk, Va.
another Bushnell, Fla.
All at the SAME time...
We are ALL Civilized! :)

I said general portion of 75 because most people refer to the phone portion of 80 meters as 75 meters. Even if you add the cw and data portion thats 75kc for the general class (100kc for the extra) the cizitens band still has more room.

Before I do too much math I would like to point out that 50kc is only 5 channels on the 11 meter band. You may need another edit. Remember the 10kc switch on the export radios? It jumps 1 channel.

The general class portion of 75m phone is from 3.800 to 4.000. You are correct about the 200kc. That's equal to 20 cb channels.

Citizens band spreads from 26.965 to 27.405 so that's 440 kc. You could subtract the 5 "A channels" from that if you want to only count legal usable bandwidth and you have 390kc.

So, in other terms we have .2 mhz vs .440 mhz (.390 mhz for the bean counters). I stand by my original statement that there is twice the bandwidth on the CB than the general portion of 75m.
general portion of 75 because most people refer to the phone portion of 80 meters as 75 meters.
I believe most of you guys know this, According to the Band plan chart, there is no official 75 meter band. I believe this came from doing the wavelength/frequency math towards the top of the band equates to near 75 meters where as below 3.75 MHz equals 80 meters. The phone band starts at 3.6 MHz.


DALLAS: First off I got to quit posting and editing, when I wake up with a wall banging headache and meds to treat my condition at 2:30 am due to my impending back surgery, and also when I have steam clouding my glasses from your "civilized conversation" comment...implying and stereotyping Amateur's on 75/80m are not so.
So let's nail this down 40 channels if all were AM...5 kc bandwidth for each channel (since CB IS channelized) that removes 5kc of usable band space per channel spacing.(Using spec limits):ROFLMAO:
This cuts the usable band space by 1/2...leaving 220 kc of usable space...since legally no vfo's....sliders or any device allowing frequency transmit modification from legal standardized channel spacing is allowed. (Technically:LOL:)...
OK Enough said...not wishing to start a semantics war.

4 String: Yes those new frequencies are listed in the band plan, and have been listed in the Federal Registry. They have yet to be allocated for use. The allocations will not be available for use until the UTC has published rules and procedures dealing with the notifications to Utility Companies as to the registry of operators "Intent to use" is established. The power utilities have the right to void Amateur use in if they deem interference with their PLC systems is possible.
No Amateur will be allocated use if they are with-in One Kilometer of said PLC system. This will be a shared allocation with Amateur usage being secondary.
I am still interested to see what new equipment may spring up from it's allocation, whether kit form or manufactured products.
I personally will never be allowed to operate a transmitter on those frequencies as I live with-in the "Blackout Zone" due to my Utility Companies use of PLC systems.
We will see how this all comes out. I may apply for usage "just to see what happens"(y):whistle:

All the Best
4 String: Yes those new frequencies are listed in the band plan, and have been listed in the Federal Registry. They have yet to be allocated for use. The allocations will not be available for use
Good info on the new bands, I was aware of them but never researched them. I don't have the desire for 160m much less putting up an even bigger antenna for these 2 bands.
I believe most of you guys know this, According to the Band plan chart, there is no official 75 meter band. I believe this came from doing the wavelength/frequency math towards the top of the band equates to near 75 meters where as below 3.75 MHz equals 80 meters. The phone band starts at 3.6 MHz.



You are correct but I'm going to stick to the bandwidth topic for now.
DALLAS: First off I got to quit posting and editing, when I wake up with a wall banging headache and meds to treat my condition at 2:30 am due to my impending back surgery, and also when I have steam clouding my glasses from your "civilized conversation" comment...implying and stereotyping Amateur's on 75/80m are not so.
So let's nail this down 40 channels if all were AM...5 kc bandwidth for each channel (since CB IS channelized) that removes 5kc of usable band space per channel spacing.(Using spec limits):ROFLMAO:
This cuts the usable band space by 1/2...leaving 220 kc of usable space...since legally no vfo's....sliders or any device allowing frequency transmit modification from legal standardized channel spacing is allowed. (Technically:LOL:)...
OK Enough said...not wishing to start a semantics war.

4 String: Yes those new frequencies are listed in the band plan, and have been listed in the Federal Registry. They have yet to be allocated for use. The allocations will not be available for use until the UTC has published rules and procedures dealing with the notifications to Utility Companies as to the registry of operators "Intent to use" is established. The power utilities have the right to void Amateur use in if they deem interference with their PLC systems is possible.
No Amateur will be allocated use if they are with-in One Kilometer of said PLC system. This will be a shared allocation with Amateur usage being secondary.
I am still interested to see what new equipment may spring up from it's allocation, whether kit form or manufactured products.
I personally will never be allowed to operate a transmitter on those frequencies as I live with-in the "Blackout Zone" due to my Utility Companies use of PLC systems.
We will see how this all comes out. I may apply for usage "just to see what happens"(y):whistle:

All the Best

The average legal cb set will pass 3khz of audio bandwidth and most are using AM so the signal is 6khz wide. That leaves 4kc of unused space Not 5kc..since we're getting technical :D.

You can spin this a lot of different ways to make it look like youre right but the 11 meter band is larger than the general phone portion of 80 meters. I never said anything about usable space until you called BS on me. The comment I first made of usable space (not counting the A channels) was actually in your favor. Your math was so far off I threw you a bone.

You said the 11 meter band was "Not even 50kc wide" by the time I read that you had already corrected the 2mhz bandwidth to 200kc so I can't hold that against you.

I'm trying to stay focused on our original posts about the size of the bands. I feel like I made an accurate statement, you posted some false information and are trying to sweep it under the rug. The wwdx veterans have a way of getting so far off base during a debate that both sides forget what it was originally about.
Dallas: I am not debating you aren't correct any more...in fact in my drugged induced coma the first time I had it right...I said the CB Band was 500kc wide but I had the 75/80 meter band as 2 megs wide 3.8-4.0...DUH that was the real boner!...CK and Beetle were the ones that called me out on that one...then went I went back and did the edit I changed it...so the jokes on me guy!
Must be new Math!!!:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
So I am just laughing at the whole ordeal now...it's cool dude...
Live your dream on CB...
I stay on 75/80 and stay "Civilized" there:LOL::LOL:...even mobile...:D
All the Best
CK I thought for sure the 75 meter band was 2MHZ wide, As much as some of those old tubers drifted one would need a 2MHZ band plan. :whistle::whistle::whistle:

BJ just having a Senior moment. :X3::X3::confused::confused:
Dallas: I am not debating you aren't correct any more...in fact in my drugged induced coma the first time I had it right...I said the CB Band was 500kc wide but I had the 75/80 meter band as 2 megs wide 3.8-4.0...DUH that was the real boner!...CK and Beetle were the ones that called me out on that one...then went I went back and did the edit I changed it...so the jokes on me guy!
Must be new Math!!!:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
So I am just laughing at the whole ordeal now...it's cool dude...
Live your dream on CB...
I stay on 75/80 and stay "Civilized" there:LOL::LOL:...even mobile...:D
All the Best

No worries. I don't stay on any particular band. Most of the 11 meter guys here have given up or went to the ameatur side. I catch a few of them on 2 meters occasionally, some of them are on HF. I've been on 75 more often now that static season is settling down.

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