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New Antenna Install

i think as long as you dont mount it on the roof rack should be ok.
one thing when doing a mag mount setup you are able to move your antenna
around a bit.if your swr is 2.1 or higher then maybe might wanna move away from
rack. if swr is 1.5 or lower you,ll be fine
Can a roof-rack affect an antenna close to it? Yes, sure. But that doesn't say how much the antenna will be affected. I would have to think that if the antenna isn't very close to that rack then the affect on the antenna isn't going to be huge. In most cases, it probably won't be a 'biggy'.
In general, antennas like being above metal rather than beside metal, and don't like being under metal. That's important if you think what an antenna cares about is particularly important... (that's a generalization so take it that way).
- 'Doc
FWIW I had a homemade mobile antenna tuned for 15m and 10 feet long mounted on a Diamond K400-3/8C mount on the vertical edge of the rear door of a 2005 Ford Escape for several years with no issues. The edge of the door is strong and with the mount on the vertical edge it was able to take the stresses easily. That antenna had more wind resistance than a 102 whip btw.

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Gotcha. Personally, I like to mount my antennas on the right side of the vehicle. Makes going through drive thru's easier. I've seen people use those little stick on hooks like you'd use or tv cable or whatever, and you could probably stick one on the roof of your vehicle and secure the 102" whip with it.


The right side makes drive thrus easier but you will hit more tree branches along the street. Been there done that switched sides. :oops: My antenna was 13'6" from the ground to the tip and moving it to the left side dropped the branch collision rate from OMG to nonexistent. I am sure someone from England will tell me I have no idea what I am talking about before he stops to think about things for a second. :whistle:
I see a lot of people saying they bought a hustler or mfj 102 whip. What is the difference, if there is any, of those whips compared to a RadioShack whip?
Only difference is likely in quality of construction (from differing suppliers). I don't know how many manufacturers make steel whips, but I doubt there are many.

MFJ sells a 108" steel whip as well. FYI.
Would 108 be better? I don't think I'll buy a RadioShack one. After paying for OS shipping I will get one a little higher quality.
The resonant length of a 27 Mhz vertical 1/4 wave will change a little according to how/where it's mounted. That means that something between 102 and 108 inches (+ the height of the mount it's self) will give you a resonant antenna. It will still require adjustment for resonance unless you are very, very lucky. Notice I said -resonance-, not SWR, which a totally different thingy! You're better off with a resonant antenna than a 1:1 SWR...
- 'Doc

(Believing that is your problem, not mine.)
The resonant length of a 27 Mhz vertical 1/4 wave will change a little according to how/where it's mounted. That means that something between 102 and 108 inches (+ the height of the mount it's self) will give you a resonant antenna. It will still require adjustment for resonance unless you are very, very lucky. Notice I said -resonance-, not SWR, which a totally different thingy! You're better off with a resonant antenna than a 1:1 SWR...
- 'Doc

(Believing that is your problem, not mine.)

I know how to adjust swr's. How would you adjust an antenna for resonance?:blink:

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