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Search results

  1. N


    Most likely culprit is C117 next to L3 is shorted. But, can be any of the other red circled items, too, these are either tied directly to, or low resistance to the PTT line of the Mic socket. last time I helped someone with a Cobra 29 a few months ago, that had TX all the time, it turned out to...
  2. N

    SDR HF radio

    First, it says it's a Wowza RS918 CB, then it's a TH-9800 ??
  3. N

    Galaxy N channel kit for the RS 465 and Cobra 146gtl

    No, in the Cobra 29GTL/LTD etc... radio, the input of the board goes to Pin10 where C94 used to be connected to, the capacitor of the output of the 2 ICs goes towards the tripler coil. C89 is the cap in series with the Varactor Diode, increasing this from 47pf to something higher, or parallel it...
  4. N

    Galaxy N channel kit for the RS 465 and Cobra 146gtl

    https://cbworldinformer.com/channel-board-for-cobra-146gtl-uniden-pc-122xl The directions are for the Uniden PC122, all references in the web page are to this. Pin 10 of the PLL is the 10.240/2 output, or 5.12 MHz. This through C67, goes to the Tripler coil, to generate 15.360 MHz, to mix...
  5. N

    PC66 with ??? Channel expander.

    This is how I broadband some radios to increase their frequency range. I had a GE 3-5804D (PLL02A) that went from 25 MHz to 30 MHz, with about .5 watt drop in power from center to band edges, the entire 511 channel bandwidth of the PLL. I made my own FM boards too, on perfboard. It looked...
  6. N

    PC66 with ??? Channel expander.

    What are the crystal frequencies? There are 2 grey heat shrink covered crystals on the top of the switch board, and looks like 2 more on the bottom of that switch board. They are going into an epoxy covered board that has 2 coils, and what looks like a TA7310 oscillator/mixer IC like what is...
  7. N

    Galaxy DX99V mod identification

    TR32 looks like it has been desoldered and removed. Can't tell if there were any other things done (cut/removed) from the solder side of the board.
  8. N

    Cobra 142GTL My next project, Unable to get CT3 into spec.

    142 Tripler Offset with Clarifier. Notice C127 (220pf) from Emitter to Ground. C2000 (148 et al) has a second varactor circuit in place of the 220pf above, added to the Emitter of the 11 MHz oscillator, this is what gives the 2000/148/Grant the extended slide range, compared to the...
  9. N

    FT 2000 DMU w/ KVM Switch

    My guess is that the DMU is using a video mode or resolution that the KVM can not "see" to pass through. Check the specs on your KVM.
  10. N

    Galaxy N channel kit for the RS 465 and Cobra 146gtl

    https://www.worldwidedx.com/threads/galaxy-n-kit.265405/ https://cbworldinformer.com/channel-board-for-cobra-146gtl-uniden-pc-122xl
  11. N

    Yeticom Optima Mk3 Frequency Adjustment?

    https://www.repeater-builder.com/radio-shack/htx-10/htx-10-service-manual.pdf I have 2 of these.
  12. N

    Galaxy 959 extra channels ?

    Do you need just 1 or want to duplicate for later sales? I have 4 or 5 new old stock here, and a B (PLL version) too.
  13. N

    Galaxy 959 extra channels ?

    His oscillator has 1 trimmer cap per crystal, like an Expo100 A kit. I got them out of my storage a few months ago, and have them in one of my bins here at my place, but need to unbury them again. Several Viagra A style boards, and a B style with PLL. The B style only uses diodes to switch or...
  14. N

    RCI 2950 Tx on multiple channels

    Those spurs do not have any modulation components like the fundamental. Only carriers.
  15. N

    Cobra 29LTD cold dead

    If you are going to pull D19, make sure to swap it with another 5.1v Zener before turning it back on, if you just cut D19, that will unleash 13v into the PLL. It needs to be voltage regulated.
  16. N

    Cobra 29LTD cold dead

    Check the voltage at JP1 next to the PLL and C153, this is part of the voltage rail for the PLL and VCO IC's. Pin 11 (bottom right corner) and 16 are listed as VCC for the PLL. If it is Zero, pull and check C112 (red circle). D19 (5.1v Zener) could also be shorted...
  17. N

    Clarifier unlock for a Kraco KCB-2340 23 channel radio?

    Ground the RX side of that section of the relay, disconnect the TX side. Or, unsolder the Red wire back at the relay, solder it to Ground.
  18. N

    What year did the HR 2510 go into production?

    https://rigpix.com/cbfreeband/president_hr2510.htm Rigpix says late 1988