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11 meter is very quiet?

OOOPS. Was heading down to the shack but I was too slow. Mi Esposa caught me and needed me to run the electrical in the new extra bedroom we added to the casa upstairs. So no radio today. Try to sneak down for some quick contacts again manana.

- J.J. 399
And you said " a sus ordenes señora". You're a good man!
Planning on being on the air Sunday starting around noon, maybe earlier,will be on 37 LSB and checking in on the WWDX 35 USB Net at the top of every hour, really hoping conditions come together to make some good DX contacts out there,the last 2 weekends have been meh at least in conditions, hope everyone has a good night and a great weekend ahead.....

Fantastic conditions out here on the far west coast the last week or two.........it doesn't get much better than this!
I unhooked the amp and just ran my Q5N2 barefoot at 60 watts for a few days and still made lots of contacts including to Bermuda, Australia, and New Zealand.
And it makes contacts on FM at just 40 watts with no problem either....

On a related note, I overheard a sideband QSO tonight between a station in Indiana and one in Australia where they both turned their power down to 5 watts PEP. Both stations were able to hear each other fine and I was able to hear both of them no problem, even at that very low power level. This was on 36LSB. That's how good conditions are these days!
Fantastic conditions out here on the far west coast the last week or two.........it doesn't get much better than this!
I unhooked the amp and just ran my Q5N2 barefoot at 60 watts for a few days and still made lots of contacts including to Bermuda, Australia, and New Zealand.
And it makes contacts on FM at just 40 watts with no problem either....

On a related note, I overheard a sideband QSO tonight between a station in Indiana and one in Australia where they both turned their power down to 5 watts PEP. Both stations were able to hear each other fine and I was able to hear both of them no problem, even at that very low power level. This was on 36LSB. That's how good conditions are these days!
I agree, conditions have been best of the best for me when I have had time to transmit. Today was no exception. It's nice to be in the middle of a solar peak!

I have been getting tons of northeast and Canada lately, I need to listen for you. What do you go by on the air?
What do you go by on the air?
Just "23 West Coast of Canada" unless I'm on 555 in which case I sometimes use my whole callsign 9TM023......

I mostly hang around 36 LSB plus 27.430/440 LSB, 26.805 FM and 27.555 USB these days.........
Also tomorrow being Sunday I will be trying for other WWDX members on 35USB at the top of the hour; usually some or all of 10am, 11am, noon, 1pm and 2pm PST.

Hope to make contact with you again soon!
Fantastic conditions out here on the far west coast the last week or two.........it doesn't get much better than this!
I unhooked the amp and just ran my Q5N2 barefoot at 60 watts for a few days and still made lots of contacts including to Bermuda, Australia, and New Zealand.
And it makes contacts on FM at just 40 watts with no problem either....

On a related note, I overheard a sideband QSO tonight between a station in Indiana and one in Australia where they both turned their power down to 5 watts PEP. Both stations were able to hear each other fine and I was able to hear both of them no problem, even at that very low power level. This was on 36LSB. That's how good conditions are these days!
Planning on being on the air Sunday starting around noon, maybe earlier,will be on 37 LSB and checking in on the WWDX 35 USB Net at the top of every hour, really hoping conditions come together to make some good DX contacts out there,the last 2 weekends have been meh at least in conditions, hope everyone has a good night and a great weekend ahead.....

On the air at the moment on 37 LSB until about 1015 this morning, will be back on the air around 1pm on 37 LSB and checking in on 35 USB for the WWDX Sunday Net at the top of every hour, have a great day today and Happy Dxing!!

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I'm still having good conditions over in my world. I tried 35 USB a couple of times and all I'm getting is the guys bleeding over from 35 lsb go figure.
I didn't have much Texas in here today other than I heard 553 Codeman chatting with 1863 this afternoon.

Conditions were pretty good......I managed to make 5 contacts with WWDX members on 35USB. Chatted with a number of other folks on other frequencies and modes.......and even had a short contact to Brazil on 27.565 USB!

A good radio day for sure......
conditions were weak today in the buckeye, but got 17 contacts yesterday on the stock k-po 5000, all from around 555usb. San Marino to Brazil. best day i have had out of the 2 years i been on ssb. 25w doesn't stand much of a chance on 36-40 with all the people runnin heaters, unless i catch a quiet spot and the right condition.
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