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Anytone At-6666 Pro

That's my guess, but dunno. The power out seems to be more than what the IRFZ24 can make though, so I'm not sure. I did the swap to IRFZ24 in the 5555N2 and I don't see 100W PEP. It has a similar PA configuration to the 6666's and see 80-85 PEP out. Would need to see what it looks like on a spec an.
We know it's coming now so figured we could get ahead and start a thread like we did for it's siblings.

Hopefully we can eventually add the frequency mod and report on performance here as well.

Do we know anything about the release yet? Come on anytone, we're waiting!
I think Michael w/ Scott’s radios said he was thinking sometime this summer but you know how that goes. He did a quick vid on the sample but didn't show any performance stuff as it’s not a final product.
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Will the 6666 pro expand to 11 meters with a simple button combo like its predecessor ? Pez was saying it has a totally new board in it, so no guarantee it will be expandable the same way. Maybe a jumper and/or wire snip like the Q5N2?
Anybody know ?
Man I sure hope not after seeing what's happened with others using that fet.
I would like to hear more, I consider the z24 one of the toughest fets out there. When I get a convex in the shop that has ben superhacked with blown finals the irf z24n is what goes in. In my testing they are almost indestructible at low power level.
My driver (golden eagle 200) has 5 to 1 swr with the variable where I drive the big box and I have had zero issues with the z24s I have in my Galaxy 2517, and It gets used.
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How so ? I have one in my SUV and have no trouble with the controls at all. It's pretty much a set it and go kinda radio. I've yet to have any need to go into the menu while I'm driving, and the squelch and clarifier are right on the front panel on knobs.....
knobs too close to eachother and too small. . my fingers arent huge but still not enough room to operate . plus menu sucks. stryker 1 open n full menu . 6666 3 menus and not as easy to navagate. might be why they are so cheep
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knobs too close to eachother and too small. . my fingers arent huge but still not enough room to operate . plus menu sucks. stryker 1 open n full menu . 6666 3 menus and not as easy to navagate. might be why they are so cheep
But it is so much smaller than a Stryker. There is no free lunch, when you have no physical space to stuff a radio, like in my situation. The 6666 is as big as I can get. It is so much better than the Magnum 257, that was in my car before the 6666.

If I had to go big, I would go with 5555N2, that's just my preference.
I would like to hear more, I consider the z24 one of the toughest fets out there. When I get a convex in the shop that has ben superhacked with blown finals the irf z24n is what goes in. In my testing they are almost indestructible at low power level.
My driver (golden eagle 200) has 5 to 1 swr with the variable where I drive the big box and I have had zero issues with the z24s I have in my Galaxy 2517, and It gets used.
I have not had a single IRFZ24 fail, in any of the swaps I have done.
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I would like to hear more, I consider the z24 one of the toughest fets out there. When I get a convex in the shop that has ben superhacked with blown finals the irf z24n is what goes in. In my testing they are almost indestructible at low power level.
My driver (golden eagle 200) has 5 to 1 swr with the variable where I drive the big box and I have had zero issues with the z24s I have in my Galaxy 2517, and It gets used.
I have not had a single IRF24Z fail, in any of the swaps I have done.
In my experience as a user of the rt1 I've personally not had any fail but here on the forum others have had multiple failures with them. The web is also loaded with the stories and although you can't believe it all, it leaves a thought in one's mind. Now in my own use, I don't hot rod my radios or abuse them and have taken more caution with rt1 radios because in the back of my mind the magic smoke fear is there.

You guys are techs, I am just an Elmer here, you seeing them daily would know best.

So in the many not so good experience of others I would ask you techs, excluding high swr instances, what do you think people are doing wrong to make them pop to give the bad rep?
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In my experience as a user of the rt1 I've personally not had any fail but here on the forum others have had multiple failures with them. The web is also loaded with the stories and although you can't believe it all, it leaves a thought in one's mind. Now in my own use, I don't hot rod my radios or abuse them and have taken more caution with rt1 radios because in the back of my mind the magic smoke fear is there.

You guys are techs, I am just an Elmer here, you seeing them daily would know best.

So in the many not so good experience of others I would ask you techs, excluding high swr instances, what do you think people are doing wrong to make them pop to give the bad rep?
I have had to replace RT1's. I am guessing it has something to do with quality of the parts. I buy my parts from US distributors, not the cheapest thing I can get my hands on to cut cost, which is what Ranger seems to do across the board in a radio build. Another factor, may be the method used to bias the devices. Some are using the gate voltage as opposed to idle current.
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if ya'll love em so well shoot me a good price n it can be at your mail box soon.otherwise its going to be traaded in on another 955 .i got box manual bracket too
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