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"Todd" runs new Ham off 28.425

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I just want to be CLEAR on this issue. I am the Ten-Ten International Alternate Net Control on Mondays at 18:00UTC on 28.380. So, if you want to get your 10-10 number, PLEASE check into the Net. We will help you make the first 10 Contacts to get your very own 10-10 number, then it is up to you to go make 500 Ten-Ten contacts to get your VP number. When you are trying to get your VP number, oh about 488 is when you will realize exactly what I mean, when I say "CQ 10-10" You will be so CLOSE to the 500 mark but yet so far away and 10 meters band conditions will NOT be working in your favor at all. You might even give up!? Then you will visit the 10-10 web site and read the scrolling logo, "You have to make contacts to get results". Then you will read in the 10-10 newsletter, "10 meters is only dead when nobody is calling CQ" Then at this point, you will understand that I KC4TVZ was only following 10-10 established guidelines when I called "CQ 10-10" time after time after day after day after year after year. :bdh:

73 KC4TVZ Todd

So...You're not able to tolerate anyone without a 10-10 number. I believe you said anyone without a 10-10 number is a waste of your time. How is anyone going to make those 10 contacts with that kind of attitude?

Now you're asking people to check in on the net? Do you lure them in and then spew your diatribe about how anyone without a 10-10 number is a waste of your time? :blink:

I've had my 10-10 number for while longer than you and have never run into another member with you're attitude on or off the air. What a shame.
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Something just doesn't smell right. I have worked Todd many times on 10, and he always came off as a respectful and humble operator.

Back last fall, I notice what appeared to be KC4TVZ using some kind of automated voice CQ machine, calling "CQ 10-10" repeatedly. In between the CQ's, was a mere gap of 3 seconds, not enough for anyone to answer, let alone allow Todd to hear a response. This machine ran for about 5 minutes at a time. Knowing a bit about audio and recording media, I noticed that the recording itself was a recording off-air of Todd calling "CQ 10-10". It sounded suspiciously like some one was intentionally trying to mimic Todd, or worse, get him in trouble. To me, it sounds like someone has a beef with Todd, holds him in contempt and wants to harass him. A subsequent email to Todd revealed that indeed, someone was recording him.

I've been a 10-10 member since 1974, (#11131), and don't appreciate anyone trying to execrate 10-10 members or the organization.

Something smells awful fishy here. Moreover, someone is trying to pull the wool over our eyes.
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my thought also...he was alway a good operator...very respectful he has someone recording him,i hear it everynow and then durring the net,im in there just about everyday.And also hear Todd and someone recording him also...it just dont smell right...73 de JW
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Late note,

i know that there is a few of us that have been monitoring the freq,and have just about pinpointed the person that is harassing him,they are in the North West,and they think they are funny,hehe.i asked there call and said T zero A D Tango Zero Delta,a friend in Washington State has it all recorded...One day they made the mistake of doing there recording on 28.380usb during the net,and he was on 28.425usb,hehe the head net officer said he chacked and seen him calling cq 10-10,and said it was someone heckeling him...73 de JW
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Yes, that is what the Nets are for, on 28.380 EVERYONE is welcome, this is the time for them to get their first 10 contacts, on the Nets.

When I leave 28.380 to go back to any other frequencies, that is when they are on their own. One thing I very rarely do is respond to another station calling CQ. I have found that if I want to make NEW 10-10 Contacts, I need to call "CQ 10-10" the NEW ones will stop by. Not only that some pretty impressive DX shows up without ever calling "CQ DX". So forget chasing DX and even 10-10 Contacts because the good ones come to stations who put enough effort into it.

Unfortunately, these days QRM stations show up way to often. So they get dealt with. NO, I am not the type who turns the other cheek and QSY everytime some QRM station comes along.

So to sum it up, when I am calling "CQ 10-10" on my own operating time, I am expecting 10-10 Contacts and "secretly" DX stations with 10-10 numbers to stop by. If some numbskull without a 10-10 number just turns his rig on and within 2 minutes rolls the VFO by the frequency I am on, lets the "10-10" part of the "CQ 10-10" go in one ear and out the other, he never takes the time to understand what I am really trying to do. Think about it, I might know the band is open to a certain region of the World and that could be the ONLY reason I am spending my time On-the-Air that day, week, month, year. So the fact is part of the FUN of Amateur Radio is to have a plan but there the numbskull comes along ties me up and the plan has been blown because he did not take his time to listen to the "10-10" part of the "CQ 10-10".

Example: A station across town from you is Calling "CQ-DX" you are across town and know without a doubt, you are not DX for him. We both know you probably would not respond to his calls because you would tie him up. This is what I am trying to say, if you not DX, go get on a boat or a plane, go on what is called a DXpedition and be the DX for the stations across town. Finally, if I KC4TVZ is calling "CQ 10-10" go make your first 10 Contacts, get your 10-10 number and then come on back, I will be happy to collect your brand NEW 10-10 number. But to just want to QSO with me anyway blows my plans and wastes your time.

If you don't understand by now, maybe later but will be to late?

73 KC4TVZ Todd
Something just doesn't smell right. I have worked Todd many times on 10, and he always came off as a respectful and humble operator.

Back last fall, I notice what appeared to be KC4TVZ using some kind of automated voice CQ machine, calling "CQ 10-10" repeatedly. In between the CQ's, was a mere gap of 3 seconds, not enough for anyone to answer, let alone allow Todd to hear a response. This machine ran for about 5 minutes at a time. Knowing a bit about audio and recording media, I noticed that the recording itself was a recording off-air of Todd calling "CQ 10-10". It sounded suspiciously like some one was intentionally trying to mimic Todd, or worse, get him in trouble. To me, it sounds like someone has a beef with Todd, holds him in contempt and wants to harass him. A subsequent email to Todd revealed that indeed, someone was recording him.

I've been a 10-10 member since 1974, (#11131), and don't appreciate anyone trying to execrate 10-10 members or the organization.

Something smells awful fishy here. Moreover, someone is trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

I will repeat, from an earlier page, that I live 40 miles from this guy and can easily hear him direct. He is a long time CBer. He gets on channel 19 and harasses the truck drivers calling himself the 1-9 kid. Other handle is the warrior. His voice is unmistakable. He raises hell on CB then runs up to 10 meters and plays an angel. No locals are fooled. You shouldn't be either. Don't be a fool.
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Yes, that is what the Nets are for, on 28.380 EVERYONE is welcome, this is the time for them to get their first 10 contacts, on the Nets.

When I leave 28.380 to go back to any other frequencies, that is when they are on their own. One thing I very rarely do is respond to another station calling CQ. I have found that if I want to make NEW 10-10 Contacts, I need to call "CQ 10-10" the NEW ones will stop by. Not only that some pretty impressive DX shows up without ever calling "CQ DX". So forget chasing DX and even 10-10 Contacts because the good ones come to stations who put enough effort into it.

Unfortunately, these days QRM stations show up way to often. So they get dealt with. NO, I am not the type who turns the other cheek and QSY everytime some QRM station comes along.

So to sum it up, when I am calling "CQ 10-10" on my own operating time, I am expecting 10-10 Contacts and "secretly" DX stations with 10-10 numbers to stop by. If some numbskull without a 10-10 number just turns his rig on and within 2 minutes rolls the VFO by the frequency I am on, lets the "10-10" part of the "CQ 10-10" go in one ear and out the other, he never takes the time to understand what I am really trying to do. Think about it, I might know the band is open to a certain region of the World and that could be the ONLY reason I am spending my time On-the-Air that day, week, month, year. So the fact is part of the FUN of Amateur Radio is to have a plan but there the numbskull comes along ties me up and the plan has been blown because he did not take his time to listen to the "10-10" part of the "CQ 10-10".

Example: A station across town from you is Calling "CQ-DX" you are across town and know without a doubt, you are not DX for him. We both know you probably would not respond to his calls because you would tie him up. This is what I am trying to say, if you not DX, go get on a boat or a plane, go on what is called a DXpedition and be the DX for the stations across town. Finally, if I KC4TVZ is calling "CQ 10-10" go make your first 10 Contacts, get your 10-10 number and then come on back, I will be happy to collect your brand NEW 10-10 number. But to just want to QSO with me anyway blows my plans and wastes your time.

If you don't understand by now, maybe later but will be to late?

73 KC4TVZ Todd

Interesting. When I call CQ 10-10 I talk to everyone who answers (in the spirit of being a friendly Op and keeping 10 meters active ;)). If they don't have a 10-10 number I let them know what it is, how to get one and that they now only need 9 more to fulfill the required 10 needed.

Like you say Todd "If you don't understand by now, maybe later but will be to late?"
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YES, I have played nice guy (angel), that is what we are supposed to do as Amateur Radio Operators, up until recently but there are so many QRM stations "Invaders" invading 10 meters, I have beem dealing with them. I will continue to deal with the invader QRM stations, my way...hihi.

As in the day's of the "Gentleman's Agreement" I do NOT have to talk to any of them but the fact remains, I do have 9,000 QSO confirmed on eQSL and only 5,151 Ten-Ten numbers collects. I guess those 5151 should feel priviledged since I talked to them and they have confirmed QSL. Not to mention the 3,595 on ARRL Logbook of the World and the 1779 on QRZ Logbook.


73 KC4TVZ Todd
As far as the New Ham who I ran off 28.425, he needs to ...
That is about all the apology he will EVER get from me.

73 KC4TVZ Todd

straight out of the horses ass.

Todd,.. you ARE a LID operator

BTW:I earned my VP number in 3 months
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Something just doesn't smell right.r.

Back last fall, I notice what appeared to be KC4TVZ using some kind of automated voice CQ machine, calling "CQ 10-10" repeatedly. In between the CQ's, was a mere gap of 3 seconds, not enough for anyone to answer,

Something smells awful fishy here. Moreover, someone is trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

No,..... that is the way tODD uses to clear HIS frequency.

if you really listen, after a while he will answer and the recording will stop while he answers, .....then it will start all over

same signal strength
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My 2 cents worth. Perhaps Todd does have someone recording him sometimes. Not all mind you but sometimes. Ever notice who it is that gets recorded and played back on the air? It is usually those who have less than ideal operating ethics and have pissed people off in the past. VE7KFM and IT9RYH are two that immediately come to mind and we all know what they are like on the air. Recordings are pretty easy to tell as they repeat over and over with the same inflection in the voice. Not hard to tell at all. Just listen to a contest and you will hear a lot of it. HOWEVER it has been noted that not all the arrogant transmissions supposedly made by Todd are recordings and are in fact him live. Apparently Todd has forgotten that he himself had to make contact with 10-10 members BEFORE he got his own 10-10 number and yet he refuses to grant that same courtesy to others instead he says to go away, contact other 10-10 members, get your own number and then come back and he will collect YOUR new 10-10 number for his own enjoyment. Hypocrisy at it's finest and arrogance at the core. THAT Todd is the core of the problem. Nuff said. I promised myself I was going to sit back and watch this thread but I decided i would make one further post and leave it at that.
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straight out of the horses ass.

Todd,.. you ARE a LID operator

BTW:I earned my VP number in 3 months

You missed this narcissistic statement.

As in the day's of the "Gentleman's Agreement" I do NOT have to talk to any of them but the fact remains, I do have 9,000 QSO confirmed on eQSL and only 5,151 Ten-Ten numbers collects. I guess those 5151 should feel priviledged since I talked to them and they have confirmed QSL. Not to mention the 3,595 on ARRL Logbook of the World and the 1779 on QRZ Logbook.


73 KC4TVZ Todd

I'll shut up now. :D For now that is. ;)
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You know , I would honestly like to say 10-10 has NO power or influence over me but everytime I call "CQ 10-10" they control me because in turn spread the word of 10-10 by adding the 10-10 to my "CQ 10-10". When a newbie get finished with a QSO with me, many times they only have 8more 10-10 numbers to collect because they get my XYLs 10-10 number from here.

Honestly, I have tried to get some kind of data out of 10-10 about how many members joined because they contacted KC4TVZ and KD4BVG and I am NOT holding my breath until I see it because I understand they are Volunteers but that data would be very interesting. We have stations all the time come give us their brand NEW 10-10 number and say we was their first 10-10 numbers collected as to why they got their number, so they wanted us to be the first to collect it. In 2011 alone, we each collected 1,700 to 1,900 new numbers and all I would need to do is go back through those numbers to seewhogot their numbers in 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, ect...to have the data but I had rather spend my time On-the-Air, to continue until Solar cycle 24 is over, then maybe go back through the log.


73 KC4TVZ Todd
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