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11 meter is very quiet?

You can tell DX is coming back because 38 lsb had at least 2 of the obnoxious clowns polluting the channel today and it will get worse !
I avoid 38LSB like the plague. 37LSB is where I usually hang out. But when the clowns get there I'll move to 36LSB or 39LSB or where ever Is clown-free. There's always some one to QSO with on every channel.

J.J. 399
I avoid 38LSB like the plague. 37LSB is where I usually hang out. But when the clowns get there I'll move to 36LSB or 39LSB or where ever Is clown-free. There's always some one to QSO with on every channel.

J.J. 399
i agree flip away not agitate,its what they want attention
I agree with both of you, but I listen to 38 lsb just to check for conditions but would move away in a flash if conditions were rocking. Usually around here 35-39 has the activity on lsb. And 30-34 lsb not so much, along with 40 lsb would be good for 2 person qsos. But like always sooner or later someone would find you and break in. Nothing is cast in stone !
As the conditions get better with the season change, soon it will be extremely crowded on LSB 36 to 40.

This is when I move up into the next band and I always find quality qsos. I call out and let them know that I'll qsy to a nearby frequency. Sometimes I'll work this on USB 555 and get international stations, and other times on LSB. But regardless, I seem to do very well. Then some days I'll work FM down on 26.805. When skip is rolling in, it's hard to beat the quality of FM. The beauty of these options is that most operators here won't jump in and destroy your conversation. They'll wait and call for you, or call the other station when you're done. It's a completely different world.
*one thing to note.. keep a close eye on your SWRs.
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This morning (west coast time) I work 14 stations from Europe - from 9:30am - 11:00 am.
5) France
2) Poland
1) Netherlands
2) Italy
1) Malta
1) Ireland
1) Sardinia
1) Austria

Just another relaxing day on the radio.......

On Edit:
Just worked Ron in the Netherlands over the N. Pole (19AT515) a few minutes ago.
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