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11 meter is very quiet?

About 1 AM I was snapped awake by a loud crashing noise. Got up and checked outside. It was raining HARD with much lightning, thunder, and very high wind. The crashing noise was our granddaughter's play house being blown away. Got up this morning and found this.

View attachment 70149

The wind also took most of the roof off of my shack/shop. Everything in the shop was totally drenched. Fortunately I built a shelf on my desk, so my rig was covered and didn't take on too much water. My test equipment - scope, spec analyzer, etc were full of water. Spent the day drying everything out. No Dxing for me for a while. Took the cases off of everything. I want to let everything sit with fans on until every drop of water is gone. Several days, I guess. It gets hot in the shack during the day, so that will help the drying process. Hopefully everything will work when I power them up.

Oh well - - S**T Happens.

- J.J. 399
Glad you weren't out there when that hit.
About 1 AM I was snapped awake by a loud crashing noise. Got up and checked outside. It was raining HARD with much lightning, thunder, and very high wind. The crashing noise was our granddaughter's play house being blown away. Got up this morning and found this.

View attachment 70149

The wind also took most of the roof off of my shack/shop. Everything in the shop was totally drenched. Fortunately I built a shelf on my desk, so my rig was covered and didn't take on too much water. My test equipment - scope, spec analyzer, etc were full of water. Spent the day drying everything out. No Dxing for me for a while. Took the cases off of everything. I want to let everything sit with fans on until every drop of water is gone. Several days, I guess. It gets hot in the shack during the day, so that will help the drying process. Hopefully everything will work when I power them up.

Oh well - - S**T Happens.

- J.J. 399
Damn, you told us about all the work you've put into it that shack! I'm sorry mi amigo.

With winds like that did you're antenna survive?
About 1 AM I was snapped awake by a loud crashing noise. Got up and checked outside. It was raining HARD with much lightning, thunder, and very high wind. The crashing noise was our granddaughter's play house being blown away. Got up this morning and found this.

View attachment 70149

The wind also took most of the roof off of my shack/shop. Everything in the shop was totally drenched. Fortunately I built a shelf on my desk, so my rig was covered and didn't take on too much water. My test equipment - scope, spec analyzer, etc were full of water. Spent the day drying everything out. No Dxing for me for a while. Took the cases off of everything. I want to let everything sit with fans on until every drop of water is gone. Several days, I guess. It gets hot in the shack during the day, so that will help the drying process. Hopefully everything will work when I power them up.

Oh well - - S**T Happens.

- J.J. 399
feel for you.its not nice of weather but you n family are ok
About 1 AM I was snapped awake by a loud crashing noise. Got up and checked outside. It was raining HARD with much lightning, thunder, and very high wind. The crashing noise was our granddaughter's play house being blown away. Got up this morning and found this.

View attachment 70149

The wind also took most of the roof off of my shack/shop. Everything in the shop was totally drenched. Fortunately I built a shelf on my desk, so my rig was covered and didn't take on too much water. My test equipment - scope, spec analyzer, etc were full of water. Spent the day drying everything out. No Dxing for me for a while. Took the cases off of everything. I want to let everything sit with fans on until every drop of water is gone. Several days, I guess. It gets hot in the shack during the day, so that will help the drying process. Hopefully everything will work when I power them up.

Oh well - - S**T Happens.

- J.J. 399
Glad you guys are ok.
About 1 AM I was snapped awake by a loud crashing noise. Got up and checked outside. It was raining HARD with much lightning, thunder, and very high wind. The crashing noise was our granddaughter's play house being blown away. Got up this morning and found this.

The wind also took most of the roof off of my shack/shop. Everything in the shop was totally drenched. Fortunately I built a shelf on my desk, so my rig was covered and didn't take on too much water. My test equipment - scope, spec analyzer, etc were full of water. Spent the day drying everything out. No Dxing for me for a while. Took the cases off of everything. I want to let everything sit with fans on until every drop of water is gone. Several days, I guess. It gets hot in the shack during the day, so that will help the drying process. Hopefully everything will work when I power them up.

Oh well - - S**T Happens.

- J.J. 399
Oh no! I sure hate to see this. It's an awful thing to wake up to!
Hopefully it dries out well enough that you don't have much, or any work to get everything up and running.

I'm glad everyone is ok!
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