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11 meter is very quiet?

Was out in the garage listening while working on my Centurion (the truck in my avatar). Heard some guy complaining about something and trying to make it political... The DX was sporadic throughout the day, and apparently nobody can hear me....

We just finished putting the motor back in my son's Ranger. Had to make more room for the big truck and the kids were surprised that it fits. Timing cover on the 460 was leaking coolant and has been sitting for the past six months. I am putting a new timing chain in because I am already there. Cloyes adjustable dual roller set to 4 degrees advanced for a little more torque below 3500 rpm.

Was out in the garage listening while working on my Centurion (the truck in my avatar). Heard some guy complaining about something and trying to make it political... The DX was sporadic throughout the day, and apparently nobody can hear me....

We just finished putting the motor back in my son's Ranger. Had to make more room for the big truck and the kids were surprised that it fits. Timing cover on the 460 was leaking coolant and has been sitting for the past six months. I am putting a new timing chain in because I am already there. Cloyes adjustable dual roller set to 4 degrees advanced for a little more torque below 3500 rpm.

View attachment 69276View attachment 69277
Those trucks are still really common to see all over the streets in Mexico. Here in the US not so much.

It's a ford B100 and B150 that roam the Mexican streets.
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Pretty strange conditions today. I could hear stations along the Southern and Southeastern coasts but they couldn't hear me. It was all short skip up there because I could hear stations in Fla, Miss, Ala, La all talking to each other.Finally had a contact with 347 in North Carolina. Long uninterrupted 40 minute QSO. Then, poof, he was gone.

J.J. 399
Yesterday was one of those days where I could hear plenty of action, but I could not get out. It's weird when that happens.
I tried two different radios and antennas to no avail. I couldn't even hear myself on a few sdr stations I can usually hear myself when dx is rolling.

I finally made ONE contact yesterday afternoon. Hope today I will have better luck.
whats interesting,i get skip and few miles away no skip. but then thats RADIOING
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The skip this evening was incredible!! Short and long skip all together. I talked to the East Coast, South, Canada, and short skip for me into Illinois, Indiana, and even Detroit!
Boy, double that !! 5:30 pm and the skip was amazing. LOUD and coming from everywhere. So loud that it was distorted and overdriven again. Then the light bulb came on. I turned off my compressor, and the receive audio became loud and CLEAR. Skip was so strong that I didn't need compression. Shows that sometimes more is too much.
I had over 20 contacts from North, South, East, and West. I heard a station from Alaska calling CQ. Everybody answered but he came back to me, and we had a nice short QSO. Amazing Day.

- J.J. 399
Skip up here on the west coast of Canada has been unspectacular this last week to say the least.
Plenty of short skip from the western states and provinces. Some weak longer skip from Mexico and down into the southern part of South America.
And that unbelievably annoying overpowered drunk 333 from Australia for hours and hours every afternoon and evening on 38 LSB.....making the channel useless for anybody else. Blech !
Good thing it's summer and I have other projects and hobbies on the go !
And that unbelievably annoying overpowered drunk 333 from Australia for hours and hours every afternoon and evening on 38 LSB.....making the channel useless for anybody else. Blech !
Good thing it's summer and I have other projects and hobbies on the go !

Lately, the only thing I hear out of Australia is that dude! He's wasted and it's not even noon over there yet! Maybe he works the night shift. ?

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    So I have a cobra 138xlr and the meter dose not work... It dose not key up and signal dose not work.... It is not stuck it the meter moves freely. now wires are resoldered on both ends...So now that do I look at. Could it be a diode or a transistor?
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