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Anytone At-6666 Pro

failures of the original AT-6666 due to heat are not common
They seem to be pretty resilient. I have mine mounted on the dash of my Toyota SUV (there is really no other place to mount it) and it gets cooking hot on sunny days. Even then I can still talk on it and it works fine. Power output seems to stay the same no matter the temperature.

I mostly use my mobile to communicate with my house when I'm out and about (our island has only marginal cell coverage). I run it in FM mode at full power into a 3 foot firestick on the front left fender.

The 6666's FM performance is actually very impressive. Using a Q5N2 at home into an A-99 at 40' I can talk to the girlfriend when she's out in the car pretty much anywhere within about a 25 mile radius, and in certain directions up to about 35 miles.
I've done a fair amount of testing and can report that FM mode works FAR better than AM, which is rough and static laden at about 15 miles while the FM is still almost full quieting.
On top of that the Anytone's auto squelch really works well in FM mode. I can drive around all day and not hear any static at all. none. Notorious spots with bad powerline static don't even trigger it. Yet weak signals still make it through fine. It's so much better than the old days where you had to ride with the squelch at 3/4 to stop the constant static blasts !

Edit to add: I do wish the auto squelch would work on SSB as well as AM and FM. Not sure why they limited it to those modes but I'm guessing it may need an actual carrier signal to work.
But how much is it ? That's what I'm waiting with baited breath to find out !
The original 6666 was very affordable; I'm a bit worried that this one isn't going to be. After seeing how much they want for the new President Washington (ouch) I'm probably right to be worried............

I do expect the original 6666 will be going on sale extra cheap now that it's successor has arrived on the scene!
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But how much is it ? That's what I'm waiting with baited breath to find out !
The original 6666 was very affordable; I'm a bit worried that this one isn't going to be. After seeing how much they want for the new President Washington (ouch) I'm probably right to be worried............

I do expect the original 6666 will be going on sale extra cheap now that it's successor has arrived on the scene!
Right now on Alibaba you can buy 50 of the Pro for slightly more than 50 of the n2. So my best guess on retail price is slightly more than the n2.

Right now on Alibaba you can buy 50 of the Pro for slightly more than 50 of the n2. So my best guess on retail price is slightly more than the n2.
I paid $420 Canadian for my n2 by the time I counted shipping and all that. So a new 6666pro is going to be around $450 Canadian I reckon....... Almost twice what I paid for my 6666, which is a BIG increase for what is essentially just an upgraded radio.
Still, it's a lot less than what they want for the new Washington, and I have no doubt that the 6666pro will be a far superior radio.
I'm hopeful the price comes down once the newness has worn off and at that point I'll hold my nose whilst coughing up the required dough LOL!
I do need to exercise my CB (constantly buying) urge every so often after all......
I just put one on preorder at Scott's Radio. With shipping it's just over $300.

Just pre-ordered mine from Scotts Radio too, thanks Shadetree for the tip!

I've seen the prototype and it does do 15m, hope the final version does too.That is a factor why I want this radio but it'll still be a keeper if it doesn't.

I have a new electret desk mic fron W2ENY that Crawdad posted on another thread that'll be wired for this radio.
Just pre-ordered mine from Scotts Radio too, thanks Shadetree for the tip!

I've seen the prototype and it does do 15m, hope the final version does too.That is a factor why I want this radio but it'll still be a keeper if it doesn't.

I have a new electret desk mic fron W2ENY that Crawdad posted on another thread that'll be wired for this radio.
Yes it supports 15m in expanded mode. Note, 15m is a "gift" band, the performance on 15m is not as good as the bands the radio is designed for (it will have lower TX power and reduced RX sensitivity). However 15m still works OK and is a great option to have.
I just put one on preorder at Scott's Radio. With shipping it's just over $300.

Just pre-ordered mine from Scotts Radio too, thanks Shadetree for the tip!

I've seen the prototype and it does do 15m, hope the final version does too.That is a factor why I want this radio but it'll still be a keeper if it doesn't.

I have a new electret desk mic fron W2ENY that Crawdad posted on another thread that'll be wired for this radio.
Did you gents get the expand and alignment with them. Not sure if that was an option.

It's nice having that done for peace of mind and it's ready to hit the dx.
I hope Radiodity is going to have their version of the 6 Pro.
As do I. I just replied to them from an email, asking if I would test the QT-60 Pro, which is the new version 5555NII short chassis. They are smart. They are calling it the Pro, where QiXiang is keeping it as the 5555N2, from what I last heard. In this email, I told Radioddity, they should add this transceiver to their brand lineup. It is by far, the most refined Qixiang TRX out of the box to date. Their QT-60 Pro should also be interesting, because they added refinements that came from the development of the 6666 Pro.

These times are exciting, when it comes to new radio releases. The feature sets are surreal to me, when I think back to my days of converting Cybernet and Uniden chassis CB radios to 10m. I had my fun with them no doubt, but these things are light years away from those days. I got my first Superstar 360FM in the early 80's, then a President Jackson. I still have both and use them occasionally. The Qixiang new radios are RCI killers. They described the 6666 Pro in my own words, a tiny monster and Radioddity is a great company to deal with here in the US.

I paid $420 Canadian for my n2 by the time I counted shipping and all that. So a new 6666pro is going to be around $450 Canadian I reckon....... Almost twice what I paid for my 6666, which is a BIG increase for what is essentially just an upgraded radio.
Still, it's a lot less than what they want for the new Washington, and I have no doubt that the 6666pro will be a far superior radio.
I'm hopeful the price comes down once the newness has worn off and at that point I'll hold my nose whilst coughing up the required dough LOL!
I do need to exercise my CB (constantly buying) urge every so often after all......
BC, it is not just an upgraded 6666. It just LOOKS like the 6666. I have both here and the two are NOTHING alike internally. The 6666 Pro is a design that is far above and beyond that of the AT-6666. I also believe it will be affordable, Let's see what it will take to get one to CA, before killing the dreams of the folks north of us here in the US.
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Yes it supports 15m in expanded mode. Note, 15m is a "gift" band, the performance on 15m is not as good as the bands the radio is designed for (it will have lower TX power and reduced RX sensitivity). However 15m still works OK and is a great option to have.
I have used the "gift" band, and I thank them wholeheartedly. It is not performing to published specs of 10-12m, but I am making Q's when the other bands are not good. I'll take it!!!!
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