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Is Mike delusional?

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If you're not a disciple of anyone then why do you try to discredit every radio tech out there except Fine Tune CB Shop? I have read your threads and posts bashing Bob's CB Shop, DTB Radio, MikesRadioRepair, etc. on this forum and other forums all over the internet. Yet you never criticize Fine Tune CB Shop.
Could it be that you're getting paid to be a shill for Fine Tune CB Shop?
I've said this before, he probably gets a kickback from his daddy
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If you're not a disciple of anyone then why do you try to discredit every radio tech out there except Fine Tune CB Shop? I have read your threads and posts bashing Bob's CB Shop, DTB Radio, MikesRadioRepair, etc. on this forum and other forums all over the internet. Yet you never criticize Fine Tune CB Shop.
Could it be that you're getting paid to be a shill for Fine Tune CB Shop?

I thought he was fine tune ?
I already posted a comment on his video telling him that if he follows the service manual alignment procedure that the meter will behave normally.

RPC, you are still confused on a couple of things here.

first, if Mike had used the service manual settings for that Stryker, the meter would have shown 1 less S unit for a given signal.
that is the only difference.

The difference in dbm level isn't going to make the meter act differently.
The AGC circuits in the radio do not reference the S meter in order to do their thing.

If Mike had set S9 using a -67dbm signal, and turned the radio to channel 6, the meter would look pretty much identical to the way it did in the video.

It seems like you are trying to suggest that using a certain dbm level to set an S meter will change its characteristics.
It will not.

S meters in CB radios that are aligned for S9 (middle of the meter) will be only somewhat accurate at S 10 and S 8. After that, all bets are off.

What Mike was referring to in the video was the characteristics of the digital circuit that drives the S meter, and his comments were about the way the meter reacts, not about which number shows up at which microvolt level.

again, just so we are all clear; the Stryker meter would still have acted the same way if Mike had used -67dbm instead of -73dbm.

Does Mark read these threads himself?
or do you relay the info we are posting to him?
I'm not asking to be nasty, i would just like to know how interested he is in the debates about his and other shops work.
RPC, you are still confused on a couple of things here.

first, if Mike had used the service manual settings for that Stryker, the meter would have shown 1 less S unit for a given signal.
that is the only difference.

The difference in dbm level isn't going to make the meter act differently.
The AGC circuits in the radio do not reference the S meter in order to do their thing.

If Mike had set S9 using a -67dbm signal, and turned the radio to channel 6, the meter would look pretty much identical to the way it did in the video.

It seems like you are trying to suggest that using a certain dbm level to set an S meter will change its characteristics.
It will not.

S meters in CB radios that are aligned for S9 (middle of the meter) will be only somewhat accurate at S 10 and S 8. After that, all bets are off.

What Mike was referring to in the video was the characteristics of the digital circuit that drives the S meter, and his comments were about the way the meter reacts, not about which number shows up at which microvolt level.

again, just so we are all clear; the Stryker meter would still have acted the same way if Mike had used -67dbm instead of -73dbm.

Does Mark read these threads himself?
or do you relay the info we are posting to him?
I'm not asking to be nasty, i would just like to know how interested he is in the debates about his and other shops work.
I believe that Mark has blown his cover; don't you?
He is using 'RPC'. I mean - after all - how often does a truck driver discuss and argue the finer points of radio alignment and procedures in order to attempt to discredit other techs? So, I think it is abundantly clear by now that the person that uses the 'RPC' screen name on this forum MUST be Mark. There is no doubt now.
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I would just be happy if the radio manufacturers would just keep their manuals up to date. I'm STILL waiting for a 2970n2 manual with the proper bias voltage settings for the 520 mosfets. Same goes for the galaxy 959's with the mosfets. My brand new 959B with the blue LED display had both driver and final bias set at 4.20v from the factory. Turn them down to what the old manual says for the old transistors, you won't even get 4w out...
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If you're not a disciple of anyone then why do you try to discredit every radio tech out there except Fine Tune CB Shop? I have read your threads and posts bashing Bob's CB Shop, DTB Radio, MikesRadioRepair, etc. on this forum and other forums all over the internet. Yet you never criticize Fine Tune CB Shop.
Could it be that you're getting paid to be a shill for Fine Tune CB Shop?
Could it possibly be that out of the 13 radios he did for me that I never had a problem out of any of them and they all sounded phenomenal with great receive? I'm always on the lookout for good technicians, but I judge their work initially by how their customers sound.
(Common sense)
Come through my neighborhood and I'll make a recording of you and give you my honest opinion and publish for the world to decide. I hate distortion and I love fidelity. Is that a crime? Bring some nice audio to my neighborhood for me to enjoy please..
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I've said this before, he probably gets a kickback from his daddy
I've said this before. Show me some perfect audio done by anyone to an export or cb. I'd love to hear it sometime. Then drive down the road so I can see how far you can get before I lose you. I'd be willing to document the whole thing and give kudos to your technician if he feels up to the task. DTB Radio's usually sound great and disappear quickly. Show me something memorable.
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I believe that Mark has blown his cover; don't you?
He is using 'RPC'. I mean - after all - how often does a truck driver discuss and argue the finer points of radio alignment and procedures in order to attempt to discredit other techs? So, I think it is abundantly clear by now that the person that uses the 'RPC' screen name on this forum MUST be Mark. There is no doubt now.
I'm the driver that put most "techs" from coast to coast to the test back in 2004-2005. Find me a good one and I'd be more than happy to put their work to the test. If it sounds awful, don't expect me to throw my money away though.
Could it possibly be that out of the 13 radios he did for me that I never had a problem out of any of them and they all sounded phenomenal with great receive? I'm always on the lookout for good technicians, but I judge their work initially by how their customers sound.
(Common sense)
Come through my neighborhood and I'll make a recording of you and give you my honest opinion and publish for the world to decide. I hate distortion and I love fidelity. Is that a crime? Bring some nice audio to my neighborhood for me to enjoy please..

And how many radios did you have tuned by the numerous techs that you continually criticize?
Sorry, but I have heard your idols work and I wasn't impressed. I would love to bring some nice audio to your neighborhood but I'm not mobile.
It would appear he thinks the service manual means absolutely nothing when calibrating an S meter to S9.
View attachment 22398

It would appear that by ignoring the manufacturer's specifications, and calibrating S9 for half the voltage, it perfectly explains why this meter is so jumpy...

I was convinced after reading all this my "2 cents" would not be appreciated but I relate to all of you how insignificant this battle is. From about 1969 and before I have been repairing, modifying aligning citizen band radios along with many other electronics but the most successful moments in my history on the bench was when I purposely made the "S" meter on some radios a bit more generous and got raving reviews for it! You might ask what in God were you thinking, well I soon realized it didn't matter how good I aligned the receiver on any radio in the world of CB the user was far happier when they could see the meter not only showing more output but also more sensitive receive than might actually be. It's the "OCMRS" "OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE METER READER SYNDROME" Once I figured that out I became legendary. I'm only saying always keep in mind the "Relative nature" of meters and what they display! If you have a meter that is reporting an S9 signal for one person and another person in the same town shows S9+ or more that is all that really matters to the person being told there signal is stronger, It really is all that matters... And in some cases, you simply make the meter show more without doing anything else and the user would be convinced the radio was receiving better! and yes I tested that theory.
And how many radios did you have tuned by the numerous techs that you continually criticize?
Sorry, but I have heard your idols work and I wasn't impressed. I would love to bring some nice audio to your neighborhood but I'm not mobile.
I only criticise distorted audio. You don't like my audio because you hate my voice. That's ok. My audio perfectly replicates my voice without distortion. I don't hear that type of audio often. When I do, it gets a compliment. There was approximately 130 galaxy 99's that went to various shops around the country and I kept the one that outperformed all of them. I'll give you one guess who tuned that radio. If you find me a better tech, send me his info. Just make sure his audio sounds better than this, Ok?

Once again, I only criticise what sounds muddy and fades quickly regardless of who tuned it.
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