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11 meter is very quiet?

Does that Quad 6 Pro have the same 6 pin microphone jack that you can use the President BT-Mike with ? What is your evaluation of the Q6 Pro is it as good as the Q5n2 or better ?
The Pro has a six pin, I believe it is the same as the old 6666 so the President mic should work. I have an old N2 and this Pro is on the next level above it. So many features audio bandwidth, adjustable AGC, adjustable FM deviation all from the regular menu and much more.
The Pro has a six pin, I believe it is the same as the old 6666 so the President mic should work. I have an old N2 and this Pro is on the next level above it. So many features audio bandwidth, adjustable AGC, adjustable FM deviation all from the regular menu and much more.
How is it for unlocking 11 meters ???
I was in the radio room about 5 times throughout the day to listen in, and there was absolutely nothing but static.
I took a 42 mile trip to the VA hospital and heard nothing on the mobile and nothing at home either. Just turned on the base this morning and nothing.

I'm glad you guys posted. I worked on my receiver, made some mods, and when I turned it on - - Nothing. Took the rig back apart to double-check my work. Everything looked OK, but still nothing in my receive. I wasn't smart enough to hook up another radio and listen. Duuuuh. Maybe some conditions manana.

- J.J. 399
I'm glad you guys posted. I worked on my receiver, made some mods, and when I turned it on - - Nothing. Took the rig back apart to double-check my work. Everything looked OK, but still nothing in my receive. I wasn't smart enough to hook up another radio and listen. Duuuuh. Maybe some conditions manana.

- J.J. 399
Solar storms... it has radio on hold for a while. Hopefully not too long.
Solar storms... it has radio on hold for a while. Hopefully not too long.
Bummer on that Brother Dxer, I just looked at the current Conditions and see what you mean,like you said, hopefully it will get better soon, just turned on my Radio and absolutely quiet up here in Central Pennsylvania, have a great weekend!!

Yes, there has been several major flares and solar storms lately, including a big flare last evening......

For the last couple weeks we have been having pretty much the same conditions every day.... sporadic short E-skip to the Western states and provinces that comes and goes all day long, plus the uber-reliable path to Hawaii and Australia every evening 'till about 9 or 10pm. Also still hearing the very southern part of South America (Patagonia and southern Chile) surprisingly often on 455 and 555.

Haven't been on the radio much though! Summertime is here and it's way too nice outside to be sitting in the shop talking on the radio........

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