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11 meter is very quiet?

Haven't been on the radio much though! Summertime is here and it's way too nice outside to be sitting in the shop talking on the radio........
Before I got up and attum dx started to break thru a little but already planned because we were going to have a 80 degree day with low humidity and nice sun shine I had to get a outside painting project taken care of before the rain sets back in. I think they call that The Fickle Finger of Fate. LOL But the long range forecast is for a Harder Winter than last. Gotta get them radios ready !
No Dxing today. After many months of bugging them, EPM (our electricity provider) finally sent out a crew and replaced all of the wooden power poles with concrete ones and replaced the 30 year old wiring with new. Also upgraded our line transformer. They didn't have to do it, but they ran new (upgraded) wiring to my shack too. No more voltage drop when operating all of the high current devices in the farm at once. Pictures tomorrow.

So- - DX manana - - I hope.

J.J. 399
No Dxing today. After many months of bugging them, EPM (our electricity provider) finally sent out a crew and replaced all of the wooden power poles with concrete ones and replaced the 30 year old wiring with new. Also upgraded our line transformer. They didn't have to do it, but they ran new (upgraded) wiring to my shack too. No more voltage drop when operating all of the high current devices in the farm at once. Pictures tomorrow.

So- - DX manana - - I hope.

J.J. 399
Oh man!! That's great JJ.
I'll definitely be waiting for pics.
Made one contact into Gettysburg Pennsylvania again, the guy was calling it ground wave but I think it was E layer? Working in the garage and it's dead right now. The timing cover went great, runs great, drives great. Then I noticed that the rear drum looked wet. Hoping it was the wheel cylinder, I pulled the drum off. Nope! It's the hub seal..... Crap!
Here is a picture of me putting it back together.

Was that 429? If so that's wild because I talked to the same guy this morning! Had a couple other contacts out that way too, then conditions shifted and southern California came in strong for a while......
Yes it was, I heard California too but the conditions were fading in and out mid sentence.
Had to open up the 139XLR again. Receive was ok, but not close to to my realistic TRC457 (same chassis). Started digging again and found a fractured solder joint. Checked ok on the multimeter, but looked sketchy. Resoldered it and several others that didn't look 100% too. Fired it up and good loud receive again.. I hope I'm finally done chasing receive problems

I need to look at the schematic to see where the bad solder was in the circuit

J. J. 399
Last night (7:30 PM) talked with Jeff 868 Pomona Cal for a good 45 minutes. Band was quiet, but He was 10+ on my stingy meter. He knew Colombia, and I knew Socal, so we had a nice hookup. He asked about life here, and I wanted to know how Socal had changed since we left. He's a native Californian, and sad about how things have changed out there.
It's good hooking up with someone who wants to learn about you and your place. Not just ,"how's the weather." I love this kinda Dxing.

J.J. 399

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