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11 meter is very quiet?

Last night (7:30 PM) talked with Jeff 868 Pomona Cal for a good 45 minutes. Band was quiet, but He was 10+ on my stingy meter. He knew Colombia, and I knew Socal, so we had a nice hookup. He asked about life here, and I wanted to know how Socal had changed since we left. He's a native Californian, and sad about how things have changed out there.
It's good hooking up with someone who wants to learn about you and your place. Not just ,"how's the weather." I love this kinda Dxing.

J.J. 399
yes actual visit long distance is what i like
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Jeff -
It seems like forever since we had a good QSO. I contact Cali stations all the time, Do you not have a base station?? I'd like to hookup with you again. And DXman too. When' s the best time to hook up with you ??

J.J. 399
At the moment I am only operating mobile on 10-11-12 meters.
Radio has had to take a back seat to some health problems myself and my wife are addressing.
We had to evacuate for a few days because of the French Fire so I have had other matters to deal with as well.
This will change in the fall, but for now my time is limited on radio and I just st make contacts when I am out and about.
I did talk to Larry a week or so ago.
I note when you post you are going to be on the air and make a effort to get on, and will continue to do so.

I talked to a guy in Tennessee on 38 this afternoon. Testing out my Q6PRO with the new Stryker microphone and listening to myself on my monitor radio with headphones, the TX is awesome. We had a direct line with nobody else on the frequency it seemed. We probably talked for a good 5 minutes before conditions started to fade. He complimented my audio several times and he was on a Kenwood that sounded great too. I have to say that the Q6PRO is a top of the line export that doesn't break the bank.

I also heard JJ Unit 399 in Columbia this evening out in the garage talking to a guy in Georgia. I tried calling out but no dice. I need to step up my garage game....
i want MO POWER as tim allen says . 250 watts about my limit in my d 150.
alternator might not like mo power.
last nite i wasnt feeling too good. replaced manifold gaskets in my 400 case tractor and a damm bumble bee went down my shirt n stung me 3 times before he lost his stinger. might be on air today depends on weather. need to spray brush with 400 case if wind dont blow
no brush spraying due to wind so i sat in by ac at radio. skip was as audioshochwave said. but at midnite i was half awake voices,i was awake.talked to several in west texas and first 1 in arizona. but didnt turn on lite nor write names. the arizona was here hi sound great you too n gone
as for brush,i miss that big john deere i had. remote spray head n if not real windy id set in air conditioned clean air cab n spray not gettig it on me
that 400 is a damm fine tractor .56 model and factory power steering. the 300 beside it same thing. big power when they rolled out of factory. i was born in 55 .i bet with proper care they will out live next generation. im hoping to get to removing a few dents and repainting both in next year. i used the 400 to pull a 100 foot tower up for a neighbor for his buisness radios. small buisness still use radios
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Didn't get a chance toDX until mid afternoon. Dead silence. Called CQ-Dx and 1800 Oklahoma answered. Only 3-5 on the meter, but signal was loud. Talked about 15 minutes or so. Temp in OK 105 F. Hell on earth. After we signed off I heard him talking to a local in OK. I was about to jump in on their conversation when they disappeared. Listened until about 6pm and then gave up. Try again tomorrow.

- J.J. 399
Didn't get a chance toDX until mid afternoon. Dead silence. Called CQ-Dx and 1800 Oklahoma answered. Only 3-5 on the meter, but signal was loud. Talked about 15 minutes or so. Temp in OK 105 F. Hell on earth. After we signed off I heard him talking to a local in OK. I was about to jump in on their conversation when they disappeared. Listened until about 6pm and then gave up. Try again tomorrow.

- J.J. 399
thats radioing here today gone tomorrow
So True especially during the summer time's or so it seems, during the fall and winter it seems more stable and predictable for Dxing on 11 meter's.
Reading this made me realize that we don't have seasons here. No fall, no winter, no summer. Just springtime year 'round. Made me kinda miss the changes... but only for a second or two.

- J. J. 399

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